From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~

Dear Families,


Welcome to Term 3, can you believe we are half way through the school year already.

As we embark on this new semester, we have an exciting line up of events already planned for this term. Our Foundation students are looking forward to their Little Learners celebration day this week. They will be participating in Milo's Birthday Surprise and we can't wait to see the costumes they choose to wear to celebrate - we will certainly be sharing photos on our Instagram and the next newsletter. The Foundation students are also on the countdown to their 100 days celebration. This year's theme is '100 Days Smarter'. It's certainly going to be a busy few weeks in our Foundation classroom.


As I mentioned last term, enrolment interviews for the Foundation class of 2025 are now well underway. If you have a child ready to start school next year or have family or friends looking for a school for their child, please collect an enrolment form from the office so that places can be secured. This is such a great time of the year - meeting the little people who are preparing to embark on their educational journey with us can be great fun.  


Whooping Cough

The Department of Health, Victoria has issued a health alert regarding whooping cough cases in Victoria. Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory illness known for causing a cough that can lead to life threatening infections in babies. Whooping cough symptoms, in the early stages, can be very similar to other infections and need to be diagnosed as soon as possible.

If your child displays any of the following symptoms, you are urged to see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • First symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, mild dry cough and a fever,
  • After the mild symptoms the cough worsens. This comes in long, uncontrollable bursts and can be worse at night.

Children diagnosed with whooping cough should not attend school for 21 days, 3 weeks, after the start of the cough or until they have completed 5 days of antibiotics. 


Please remember, we are still in the midst of cold and flu season. If your child is unwell, please keep them at home to avoid the spread of illnesses throughout our school community. Absences must be reported to the school using our absence line, via PAM or email.


School Student Broadband Initiative

Do you have broadband access at home? If the answer is no, you may qualify for the School Student Broadband Initiative. With broadband internet access your family could access fast internet at home, which supports children to build their digital skills, learn how to safely use the internet and participate in a world that is more dependent on digital technology.


For families that are eligible and who sign up now, this offer means free internet until 31 December 2025. Any families already connected will automatically roll over until 31 December 2025.


You can check if you are eligible by:


Congratulations to St Therese's Wadaiko Tenshi

Our Taiko drumming group visited St John's in Frankston this morning to perform as part of their Japanese day celebrations. The students certainly brought the thunder with their fantastic performance. Isabella from the Seniors sang a beautiful solo displaying wonderful confidence and our drummers danced and drummed with confidence and enthusiasm. It was an absolute pleasure to witness and so many students and staff from St John's volunteered to go up on stage and join them.

Stay warm, stay dry!

Felicity Broughton
