3/4H - Heading in the Right Direction

The 3/4H students came back to school refreshed and excited to see their friends and teachers. The first week brought some rain and the students had some fun playing indoor games during wet day play.


In reading, the students are examining some of Australia’s earliest history, including explorers who circumnavigated our continent. The photos show students reading to each other during fluency pairs about Captain Arthur Phillip. They have developed a collaborative approach to discussing techniques to improve their fluency whilst reading.

Using headphones and devices has been another strategy we use to read and strengthen our comprehension skills. This enables the students to be independent and encourages them to listen carefully and pause for evidence to support their views or answers.


In writing, the students have experimented with language choices, using a technique called ‘Show don’t Tell’ to write a descriptive passage. The results were amazing. We hope you enjoy reading their texts.

Student’s research skills developed throughout Term 2 and each child created an excellent project that was on display for all to see. They were all extremely proud of their efforts.

The whiteboards are part of everyday learning in 3/4H. They enable the students to have a little fun while they work out maths concepts, spelling words or sentence structure. We also enjoy practising our Victorian Cursive Writing.

We are looking forward to all the exciting upcoming events such as swimming, Olympic activities and St John Vianney Day.