Principal Post

Dear Families,
I hope that everyone is finding time to view and enjoy some of the Olympics! With the time difference, I am sure some of our students/ families are streaming or watching highlights of the wonderful events. I am sure the Olympics provide opportunity to talk with your children about concepts such as doing their best, hard work and achievement, sportsmanship, team work, disappointment, resilience and persistence.
Potato Olympics
On Friday 9th August we will be holding the Potato Olympics, an SJV event to commemorate the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Students will be organised into house groups with students from other year levels to work as a team. Each student will need to have a potato that represents their "athlete". Their athletes will compete in a series of events, and the students will need to use their mathematical skills of measuring and data collection, to score points for their team.
Families are invited to attend our awards ceremony at 2:40pm in the assembly area (weather permitting).
To support this event, we ask that families provide each of their children with a clean, washed potato to use on the day. Please send potatoes to school with your child/ren no later than Monday 5th August.
On the day, children are encouraged to get into the team spirit by dressing in their house colours. This could include wearing their sports uniform, or they may decide to wear other items of clothing in their house colours.
We are looking forward to a fun day celebrating the Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship.
Grandparents Day
Last Friday, on the Feast of St Joachim and St Anne, we warmly welcomed the Grandparents of our students for a special Mass hosted so beautifully by Foundation L. Thank you to all our Grandparents who were able to join us at our special Mass and the festivities that followed. Grandparents and significant elders play such an important part in the lives of our families and within our school community. We thank them all for their support. We hope that you felt honoured last Friday and may you continue to be acknowledged as the special people you are! We particulary keep close to our hearts any our grandparents who have passed away or are long distances from us! See Our Photo Gallery and further report on the next page!
SJV Feast Day
This Sunday is the Feast of St John Vianney. This Friday we will celebrate our Patron Saint’s Feast Day with a Mass hosted by Foundation OP. This will begin at 9am.
SJV John Vianney (born Jean-Marie Vianney and later Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney (8 May 1786 – 4 August 1859) was a French priest often referred to as the Curé d'Ars ("the parish priest of Ars"). He is known for his priestly and pastoral work in his parish which resulted in the radical spiritual transformation of the community and its surroundings.
On Monday 5th August, the 'KABOOM' team will come to help us celebrate our Feast Day by leading us through some fun Olympic games. All students will be involved in our celebration!
Congratulations SRC
Semester 2
Congratulations to our Semester 2 SRC students. These students were voted on by their peers to represent the school and share student voice with our community.
Scarlett T
Hunter K
Aria L
Mason P
Asher B
Mason P
Olivia O
Nickolas K
Alisha S
Thomas B
Kester E
Angelika E
Gala Day
Our Year 5-6 students will be participating in the Gala Day District Sports event against other schools THIS FRIDAY 2nd August. Whilst they will miss our Feast Day Mass they will discuss the importance of our Patron Saint during the week and as part of their prayer. We wish them well in their Sports Day.
Swimming lessons start from -
August 12th till August 23rd for Years 1-6.
Each day except Tuesdays.
Please complete the Operoo form that was sent out if you have not done so already even if your family will be away.
Swimming is compulsory. All students must participate unless there is a medical reason why they should not participate. Please pass on the Medical Certificate to the classroom teacher as soon as possible.
If students are unwell on a swimming day they should stay home. Please note If a child has an approved reason not to be swimming he/ she will still go with their class on the bus to the swimming venue and sit under the supervision of their class teacher.
Resilience Project Award
This week Tyson won an Empathy Award for his dedication towards being an organised and responsible learner.
SAC Meeting
The SAC met last night. We discussed our v NAPLAN data which is very positive. We sought feedbhack about our 100 Days Foundation celebration and our Grandparents Day event, both of which were seen to terrific! We discussed our recent changes to our Homework processes and this will conitue to be a focus. We will dicuss this further with school staff and feebcak to the SAC.
We talked about the 2024 Fete arrangements with the Parish (not the school) taking full control of this event. The school will call for a meeting to dicuss opportunities for school fundraising.
NAIDOC Week Competition
All students from Foundation - Year 6 are invited to design a new Australian flag. Please see the NAIDOC Week Competition page for more details. There has been an extension of the due date - entries are now due by THIS FRIDAY the 2nd of August!
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St Johns Way Parking
Please make sure that you line up in the queue along St Johns Way to drop off and pick up your child. Do not cut in or drop your child at the gate on the road.