Mental Health and Wellbeing Update

From Shaun, Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader

NMPS Mobile Phone Policy

With last week's School Wide Positive Behaviour focus - following the NMPS tech agreement – it is a timely reminder of our whole school expectations regarding student phones.  Students can have phones at school, but they must be collected and stored by the classroom teacher at the start of each day and then returned at the end of the day during the pack up process. Students should also have these on silent. Students will not have access to their phone during school hours, whether onsite or at an excursion or event. Students who use their personal mobile phones inappropriately at North Melbourne Primary School may be issued with consequences consistent with our school’s existing student engagement polices. 


If you need to contact your child, you can do so via the school office. If students need to contact their parents, and it is deemed necessary, staff will email families via Compass on their behalf. This also applies to smart watches; if students have them on, they will be reminded not to contact families or answer calls during school time. The front office is the first point of call for all families. 


Thank you for supporting the NMPS Tech agreement and helping our students be sagacious - it is a collective responsibility and effort.

Centre for Multicultural Youth – Rosie our Guest Speaker

Rosie, a guest speaker from the Centre of Multicultural Youth, visited our Year 3-6 students on July 24th. Rosie is also a student of Law and Global Studies, holding a heavy interest in human rights and youth advocacy. Rosie spoke with our students about racism and discrimination, understanding that it is complex and occurs in many different ways. She also unpacked the long-term effects racism and discrimination can have on a person. There was also an opportunity for students to ask Rosie questions toward the end of her presentation.