Hello from our students and teachers

Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

Hello from Grade 3/4 M.B

This term we have been looking at Non-Fiction texts and ways of writing informative texts. We have written an information report about an animal of our choosing and presented that information as a poster. Here are some fun facts we learned.


Female blue whales are bigger than males. - Ana

Did you know Siamese Fighting Fish can breath air and water. -Astrid

Did you know that a dolphin's brain is bigger than a humans. - Aoife 

Did you know that female potato cod can lay up to 5 million eggs. - Eshen 

Axolotls can change  colours - ELLA 

Without sloths there would be no avocados. - Stephanie 

The furry things on Axolotls heads are actually gills. -Isabelle

Snow leopards spots are called rosettes - Kaelah

Wolves are 50 % wolf and 50 % dog. - Toby 

Seals use clicking or trilling noises to communicate. - Jimmy

Blue dragons can have a vicious sting if its colouring fails. - Archer


Have a look through some of our posters.