Learning and Teaching

Learning Conversations
We are grateful to see that 60% of families have scheduled a Learning Conversation. We encourage all families to please make a learning conversation before the end of the week. These provide an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their personal growth and their goals for the remainder of the year.
School will remain open on this day. Learners will participate in cross year level activities for the day.
Next week we welcome Kate Korber back into our learning spaces. Kate is working alongside staff, supporting the planning and teaching Inquiry. We focus on fostering curiosity and student driven inquiry. We look forward to welcoming her back.
If you would like to follow Kate on socials, search The Inquiry Project.
This week the Foundation learners have celebrated 100 days of school. We had so much fun celebrating, we made 100 day hats, used fruit loops to help us count to 100 and made necklaces out of them. A few ended up in our tummies! We even wrote about the things we would like to do when we are 100 years old.
We have had such a great first 100 days of school and we can’t wait for the next 100!
This week the Foundation learners have been learning to write a procedure text, focusing on the purpose of a title and materials. The learners have made fairybread, constructed caterpillar and made face biscuits. They have used these experiences to write their own procedure text.
Year 6
Week 3 was an exciting week for Year Six. Students and teachers attended four businesses around the community over two days to link with our Inquiry topic ‘Business and Economics’. While attending each venue, students were presented with information about what makes their business successful, challenges their business has faced over time, how technology has impacted their business and in what ways has their business changed over time. Students will use this knowledge and put it into action when creating their own mini business here at school over the coming weeks!
Learning Conversations
Term 3 Learning Conversations will be taking place on Tuesday August 6th. These provide an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s classroom teacher to discuss their progress, strengths and areas for growth. Bookings will be open on Compass Monday afternoon (July 22nd). We ask that you log onto Compass and locate the ‘Conferences’ icon to schedule a time. Conversations are in 15 minute time slots, allowing for 12 minutes of conversation with a 3 minute change over.
If you are yet to access your child’s Semester One Report, we recommend you read this prior to attending the Learning Conversation. This can be accessed via Compass, clicking on your child’s profile, then the ‘Reports’ tab.
All Learning Conversations will be in person in the Brigidine Centre. We ask that you enter the Brigidine Centre doors near the Rock Garden. If your Learning Conversation is after school hours, please arrange a meeting place with your child/ren. We kindly ask that your child either joins the after school hours conversation with you, alternatively, they are asked to sit on the allocated seats in the ‘waiting space’ inside the Brigidine Centre.
School remains open for the day. Learners will work in Cross Year Level groups with their House Team.
We look forward to meeting with you and working together to support your child’s educational journey.