Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs only to the people who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
What a week of learning in and out of the classroom. We have had excursions and incursions all through our communities this week, and celebrations are everywhere! What a week to celebrate our Foundation learners attending school for 100 days! 100 Days Smarter was a collaborative effort of families, staff and learners. The dress-ups were exceptional, a beautiful assembly but most importantly - such amazing growth and learning that has occurred over this short time! Thank you to all the family members who could attend.
Today I had the absolute joy of accompanying our Year 6 learners to learning in our local community. Over the past two days, these learners have gone and worked with local and known business owners to hear about journey, learning, commitment and sacrifice. I even attended my own family business where it was great to learn from another perspective. Our Year 6s behaved exceptionally, asked deep and provoking questions and enjoyed their experiences. Thank you to these local businesses who were so willing to take the time out of their schedule to prepare and present what they do. A special thanks to; Evans Shoes, St Anne’s Wineries, Timber Creek Holsteins and Murray View Farms.
We have completed our Catholic Identity review and the community consultation and effort behind this process was commendable. The staff were extremely proud and insightful as to who we are and what we do and the review panel clearly felt our embedded ways, tradition and identity! I look forward to receiving the formal report and sharing goals and actions for improvement in the near future. Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way.
Team Parker on Friday past was a huge success! It was a special day of acknowledgement and support. Our sea of blue was an unassuming collective community sign of love and support for Parker and his family. It has been a big journey for them all and we are happy to have been able to dress in solidarity for Parker. Parker, a quiet yet courageous young man, took the day in his stride and should be commended. Our prayers will continue to support and guide Parker as he continues his recovery.
This week, we have worked collaboratively in teams to discuss and collaborate on team and organisational wellbeing. These sessions are to listen, learn and coach us to be the best version of ourselves. St Mary’s has committed to this initiative for 2024 in the hope of ensuring we are prioritising our wellbeing to ensure we bring our best self to the learners of St Mary’s. Every staff in the school has been afforded this support and development.
St Mary’s emergency services management is now provided by the company Bounce. Bounce is a company that now provides such services to all schools in the Sandhurst Diocese. On Tuesday and Wednesday, all staff took part in the training to ensure we have continuity of understanding and practice if an emergency was to occur. St Mary’s has an active OH&S / Emergency Management team which reflects and evaluates our effectiveness in this area regularly.
Mrs Stewart has returned from long service leave and production is very much on the daily agenda! In Mrs Stewart's absence our learners have been practising and preparing however now she is back she means business! In the coming weeks, we will filter communication to you all regarding dates, times, costumes, ticketing and the need for community support. Please watch our newsletter, socials and Compass for this as it will be timely for tickets, bookings and family organisation. I cannot wait!
It has been beautiful to have the sunshine bless us this week - I hope you are all enjoying the week also!
Take care & God Bless,
Jasmine Ryan