Old Collegians

MOCA would like to acknowledge with our prayers and with much love the entry into Eternal Life of Fr Kazimierz Trawicki CR, the former Parish Priest of Good Shepherd, Wheelers Hill for twenty-three years. Fr Kaz was a friend to all and looked after many of our Old Boys and their families in their moments of greatest need. We also extend our condolences, love, and prayers, to Fr Kaz’s family, brother Priests in the Resurrection Order, Parishioners and friends. All of us who were blessed to know Fr Kaz are filled with joy knowing that Fr Kaz is now safely home in the loving presence, peace, and happiness of Almighty God.
Eternal rest grant unto Fr Kaz, O Lord, and Let Perpetual Light Shine upon him. May Fr Brendan’s Soul Rest in Peace, Amen.
As part of my commitment to MOCA, I am often called upon to assist our Old Boys with job opportunities. This is facilitated and achieved through my contacting our old Boys. I recently spoke to our Old Boy, Nathan Ephraums (Class of 2014), about his desire to obtain employment in Social Work. Please see his request below:
Hi, I’m Nathan Ephraums, I completed my Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) in 2023 and am looking for a job in the social work field. I am an honest, self-motivated, and positive individual, looking to secure a position with an organisation that allows me to utilise my current skills and expand my skill set in a supportive environment. I have excellent communication skills, the ability to build rapport quickly, and have worked with people with different culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. I can work autonomously where required, but also know how to work in a team. I have experience working in high schools, during two of my placements during my course, which helped me hone my social work practice. If you would like to speak with me further, please contact me on 0403 722 033.
From the Mazenod Panthers' All-Abilities Football Club
Our Old Boy, Brendan Neil (Class of 1983) aka 'The Difference', recently led the Panthers on a trip to Bendigo. This summary was put together regarding the trip by Brendan Neil, and Phil Ryan (Class of 1988) has added some references about the Old Boys who assisted:
On 13th July, 26 Panthers set off to Bendigo on their annual Footy Trip Away along with their parents, carers and little Panther helpers, 62 people in total.
Fortunately, the weather rain held off but in cold conditions the Panthers ran out onto the Harry Trott Oval through a Guard of Honour made from both the Bendigo South and Kangaroo Flats senior players who had just finished their game.
The game was of the highest standard with both teams showing their skills and determination to win the ball, after three quarters the game was drawn at 32 points a piece. After a rousing 3/4 Quarter time speech ( I think I heard the words, it's a game of inches) The last quarter was played with gusto however in the end the victors were the Mighty Bendigo Suns.
That night we were treated to a roast dinner with 120 people in attendance, along with Peter Ryan (President of FIDA) and partner Chris Ryan. Also present was our major Trip Away sponsor Alastair MacInnes from the CMV Staff Foundation who presented Nam Nguyen (Class of 2017) with the Spirit of FIDA trophy.
The following day started with a breakfast of champions hosted by the Bendigo Suns Team, they fed 120 of us before organising tours 65 metre below surface into the famous Bendigo Gold Mine and then taking us on a tour of Bendigo in their historical talking trams.
We finished off the footy trip with Parma and pot (coke) at the local pub in Woodend The Victorian Hotel before heading home for a well-earned rest. The trip was only made possible as a result of the following past students donating their time and expertise:
· Brendan Neil – Class of 1983 – Trip Coordinator
· Matt Backhouse – Class of 1988 – Bus Driver
· Jeremy ‘Huggy’ Nugara – Class of 1985 – Assistant Tour Coordinator
· Michael Ryan – Class of 2000 - Assistant Tour Coordinator
· Rodney ‘Rocket’ Hubbard – Class of 1988 – Assistant Tour Coordinator
MOCA: New Alumni Digital Platform
We encourage our Mazenod Old Collegians to sign up and join our new alumni digital platform. Please download the Alumnly app and register for a FREE account today.
Tina Giacco
Mazenod Old Collegians' Liaison
Executive Officer, Mazenod Old Collegians’ Association