
Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers!

New Item at the Tuckshop

Hotcakes with Syrup



With the cold weather upon us and a few coughs and colds around, sometimes there is a need to cancel a Tuckshop order as your child is unwell and unfit for school.  You can cancel an order on the day up until 8.40am through Qkr!.  If you need to cancel the order after this time, please phone the school office and I will be able to move it to the next Tuckshop day for your child.  

Volunteering at Holy Family?

All volunteers much complete a Working with Children Check prior to assisting in the Tuckshop or in the school.  Please CLICK HERE for more information.


Please CLICK HERE to volunteer at the Tuckshop


Kind regards

Monny - Tuckshop Coordinator