Senior Learning Community


For this term, we encourage the Year 6 students to visit the library before school to borrow and return their library books. Year 5 visit the Library to borrow during our class time. Students are encouraged to read for 20 minutes a night with an adult to reinforce and practice skills learnt at school. In SLC it is beneficial to ask questions about what is happening in the text. How would they feel after that? Why do you think they did that? And have general conversations.  



A 'save the date' note for the senior learning camp went home this week. This is a reminder for parents to please register their child via the link, as this vital information is required by the camp. Further information regarding the camp will be sent home closer to the end of term


Lightning Premiership

Thank you once again to the parent volunteers who assisted at the Lightning Premiership. Our Football and Soccer teams were thrilled to see our engraved trophies this week. These will be proudly displayed in the school trophy cabinet for the next 12 months! A fantastic effort by all.