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Homework Policy

At St. Joseph’s School, we acknowledge that the time children spend with their families and their involvement in out of hours activities are important components of the holistic development of the child. 


Current research suggests that on average traditional homework has little or no positive benefits on improving student academic performance for primary school aged students. A central reason for this tends to be the inability for students to complete the tasks independently; without the support provided by their teachers and or school.  


St. Joseph’s believe that our student's involvement in activities such as dance, sports practice, cultural activities, out of school hours care, the learning of a language, tutoring, church and youth clubs are all considered to be valuable learning activities. 


Research does suggest a small amount of familiar homework, such as reading a ‘good fit’ book can develop habits that will prove useful at secondary school. Pictured below are the ‘homework requirements’ of students attending St. Joseph’s School, Cobram. 


Reading a good fit book can support student learning, however it should never be too onerous or stressful. Children need time to be children. 


If you would like to read more about current research on homework, the article linked below would be a great place to begin. 



Vietnam Veterans Day – All Are Invited!

Dear St. Joseph's School Community,

We invite you to join us in honouring Vietnam Veterans Day on Sunday, August 18, 2024. The ceremony will be held at the Cobram War Memorial, starting at 10:30 a.m. Please arrive by 10:15 a.m. to ensure a prompt start.

This day is dedicated to recognising the courage and sacrifices of Vietnam War veterans. It's a meaningful opportunity for us to show our gratitude and reflect on their service.

We hope you can attend and stand with us in remembrance.