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Moira Shire Council is currently developing its Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan 2025-2034. This is a strategic document that will guide Council’s decision making in relation to road safety including investment in infrastructure, new initiatives, community education, transport management, town planning among other outcomes. This is to support Council in its obligations under the Vision Zero and the Safe System Australian National Road Safety Strategy, where the goal is for 2050 to not have any fatalities or serious injuries on Australia’s road network.


While many people think about cars when we say, “road safety”, road safety includes all methods of transport on Council’s Road and Path network including walking, cycling and other modes of transport.  


Council is currently undertaking the first phase of community engagement to determine community attitudes to road safety. This is a quick five minute survey available online at www.moiramatters.com.au/road-safety-strategy until Friday 6 September..


As Moira Shires school children are among its most vulnerable road users Council is eager to hear from our school communities on the important matter of road safety and their perceptions of it.