Principal's Message

National Bullying No Way Week

Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited is acknowledging 'National Bullying No Way' week.  Our students will be participating in a variety of activities.  This year's theme is "Everyone Belongs'.


Principal Appraisal


As a part of the contract of Employment, each Principal of a Catholic school in the Diocese of Sandhurst must undertake an appraisal.  


The purpose of an appraisal is to provide the Principal with feedback about their leadership of the school.  An appraisal also seeks to improve the professional practice of the Principal through feedback about the leadership of specific areas of school life. At the end of the appraisal process, the Principal will receive a detailed report about the information gathered from the process and this will support them in shaping their professional goals and practice for the future.  


To assist in this process you would have received an email on 29th of July, asking you to participate in a short survey. The raw data results of the survey are confidential and will be used by the Principal Appraisal Panel in conjunction with other datasets gathered. Some parents will be invited to attend an interview with a panel member.  


I invite you to contribute your thoughts about myleadership at St. Joseph’s, by undertaking a survey. Please click on the following link to complete the survey


At the end of the appraisal process, the Principal will receive a detailed report about the information gleaned from the process and this will support them in shaping their professional goals and practice for the future. Please note: Your contribution will remain anonymous, and all survey feedback will be confidential.



God bless,

Sarah Iddles
