Caring for Kids & Wellbeing News

Lego Club was very popular with 70 students across all classes joining in the fun!
The High Hopes Art Club will run on Friday in the first half of lunchtime in the Wellbeing Centre and is open to all students.
St Leonard’s has a long history of providing additional support and activities for students at break times. Every week the Wellbeing Centre is open for supervised inside play activities in the 2nd half of lunchtime.
If you have a concern about your child's well being or their social connectedness there are several staff members in addition to the Leadership team and classroom staff that are available to support families:
Angela Foale is the Wellbeing Leader and 1/2C classroom teacher- available Mon-Fri
Tricia-Rose Robison is the Caring for Kids Leader - available Wed-Fri
Thank-you so much for your support.
The Wellbeing Team