Principal's Report 

Grandparents' & Special Friends' Day

Dear Families,


A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the celebration of our 65th anniversary of St Leonard's School on Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day. We appreciate the special effort everyone made to pick up and drop off loved ones or to attend, in person, themselves. We appreciate the work of Aneta and her team of PFA and volunteers for ordering and preparing the delicious scones, jam and cream and refreshments. We also appreciate the work of Anthony Adaman and and school staff for preparing the  liturgy and classroom activities to engage and strengthen the community intergenerational connections. Please enjoy looking at the photos.

Monash Junior Advisory Groups Meeting

Last week our Year 4 representatives attended Monash council chambers to be involved in a project to explain what makes a city child and young person friendly.  Councils have been asked to meet the Victoria Charter framework for being a Child Friendly City and to improve engagement with young people and children.

The activities included drawing what the students would like to see more of on a streetscape, voting for the most important aspects they would like to see in their community and listing ideas to improve them.  The students met Councillor Stuart James and were permitted to sit in the council chamber chairs. Using their microphones, each student was permitted to ask a question which was answered by Councillor James. 

I was very proud of our students' voice and agency in describing what is important to them in the local community.


Calinda- Before and after school it can take a long time to turn right out of Allen St on to Waverley Rd. Would it be possible for a keep clear sign to be placed on Waverley Rd?

Reply- Unfortunately Council cannot do this on main roads as they are under the control of the Department of Transport and Planning. For safety reasons, keep clear markings are not to be used to assist vehicles leaving a side street (Allen St) to enter an arterial road (Waverley Road.)


Anthony- Do you sometimes work with other councils discussing what could be done to help other organisations?

Reply- Yes, we work with many other organisations and fully support local groups as much as we can as part of our work in improving the city.


Lucy- Around my suburb there have been signs that have fallen down, for example stop signs and speed signs. It is a safety issue because people can’t see the signs and they don’t know what to do. Is it your job to fix the signs or is it another organisation's job?

Reply- Council & the Department of Transport and Planning have a shared responsibility for the maintenance of regulatory signage such as speed and stop signs. The council looks after local roads and the DTP arterial roads. If you are advised of or encounter damaged or missing signage, please provide the location and council will determine whose responsibility it is to fix it.


Jessie- When we go swimming at the pool we have to cross Waverley Road at the pool. The lights change from green to flashing red really quickly. Sometimes we have to run to get across and it is dangerous. Is it possible for them to be changed so that everyone has more time to safely cross the road?

Reply- At this crossing the times are 7 seconds green and 11 seconds flashing, which is considered enough to cross Waverley Rd if you cross when the  green light is on to stay safe you should not start when the red light is flashing. This picture of the instructions displayed advises pedestrians how to use the crossing.


Aeghan- How would students in our school find out about the programs the councils run?

Reply- One of the best ways is to look at the Monash Council website. and click on the Upcoming Events page.


As part of our school improvement plan to strengthen the prayer life of our students and make connections, Anthony Adaman is sharing the gospel and theme of the weekend mass. This week's prayer focus theme is "Following Your Light."  

This week the reading is from the gospel of Mark.

Here are some reflection questions to consider during your prayers:

  • What are my passions and what truly ignites my spirit?
  • What values are most important to me, and what do I stand for?
  • What obstacles might be hindering me from becoming the best version of myself?
  • Who or what can be a source of support on this journey?
  • What positive impact do I want to have on the world?

Our Condolences

We were saddened to hear of the passing of Rency Biju's  beloved 92 year old father, Joseph. Rency is our fabulous Camp Australia Educator. Rency travelled to India and was fortunate to have seen her father before he passed away. The family would appreciate prayers from the school community.  


  • Code Camp Term 3: Code camp is held in the school library on Wednesdays from 24th July to 11th September. Time: 3:30pm - 4:45pm. Bookings now open
  • Chess Club with Kids Unlimited Term 3: Chess Club operates on Mondays at lunch time. Bookings now open for Term 3 (See Kids Unlimited Chess page of this newsletter.)
  • Please read the Library page of this newsletter to read about the Premier's Reading Challenge.
  • A recent health alert advises to be alert for the signs and symptoms of Whooping Cough. Please read the From the Office page of this newsletter.

Wishing every family a very happy week ahead. 


Rob Horwood

