Catholic Identity

Mercy Prayer

We pray for the Sisters of Mercy, who established our school and for the priests who have  served at St. Mary’s.  

It is through their vision,  determination and strong faith that we enjoy the benefits of a Catholic Education here in Mooroopna.

We are proud to be a Mercy School, where the values of love and justice are taught and lived every day.


New news!

Feast of the Assumption - Holy Day of Obligation.


The Assumption, celebrated on August 15th each year, refers to Mary being assumed — body and soul — into heaven at the end of her earthly life. 

The “Assumption” is different from The Ascension of Jesus because one is passive (Mary was assumed into Heaven) and the other is active (Jesus ascended into Heaven). 

We will celebrate the Feast of the Assumption with Mass in the Marian Centre on Thursday, 15th August at 9:45am. All families and parishioners are most welcome to attend.

Contemporary images of the Assumption are difficult to find! The usual artworks show Mary upon clouds, with angels nearby. This modern, colourful image above shows Mary as the Queen of Heaven.



New news!

Appointment of Assistant Parish Priest at St. Mary’s, Mooroopna!


Father Addin Doe will commence as Assistant Priest 

at St Mary’s Parish, Mooroopna, on the 12th August! 

While residing in Mooroopna, he will be a member of 

the Rogationist community at St Mel’s Parish, 

Shepparton South. Father Addin was born in 1988 in 

Detusoko, Ende, Indonesia. He enjoys staying active 

by playing football, going for jogs, and maintaining a 

healthy lifestyle. He has a fondness for fruits, spicy 

food, and occasionally channels his culinary skills 

in the kitchen! 

We are excited to welcome Fr. Addin to our parish 

and look forward to him being part of our school 

celebrations and events!



Reminder news!

Feast Day Celebrations for Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop.

We will celebrate the Feast of Blessed Mary MacKillop this week! Her feast day is on Thursday, August 8th, the day Mary died in 1909.

Mary MacKillop was the first Australian to be declared a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. She was known as Mother Mary of the Cross in her lifetime.

In 1866, Mary MacKillop opened up Saint Joseph’s School. The school provided a free education to all children. In addition to being a teacher, Mary MacKillop wanted to become a nun. She thought she would have to go to Europe to study because Australia did not have any orders, or communities, of nuns. Instead, Mary founded Australia’s first order of nuns, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart. In 1867 MacKillop became the first member of the new order.

The Grade Six students will lead a whole school Activity Day on Friday, 9th August, with the Grade Six students planning and leading activities related to Mary MacKillop for the students!  Students to wear their House Colour t-shirts!



Reminder news!

Class Prayer at Assembly each week.


Each week, one class presents Prayer at our weekly whole school Assembly. This is a great way for the students to lead prayer and to reflect on different themes, feast days and topics.

The upcoming dates and classes to present Prayer at Assembly are:

Monday, 12th August: Grade 3/4JM

Monday, 19th August: Grade 3/4MD.

Monday, 26th August: Grade 5/6AC.

Monday, 2nd September: Grade 5/6TJ.

We would love to see you at our Whole School Assemblies on Monday afternoons!





Reminder news!

Sacrament of First Eucharist.

The children enrolled in this year’s Sacrament of First Eucharist program are:

Havana Collins

Ollie De Maria

Angelo Natalizio

Theo Natalizio

James Sibio

Isabel Weis


Please keep these students in your thoughts and prayers as they prepare to celebrate 

this important sacrament this term.




St. Mary’s Sunday Mass Invitation!

We welcome all families, especially the families of students preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation in 2024, to Mass each weekend!

Our Parish Mass times are:

Saturdays at 6.30pm.

Sundays at 10am.



With thanks,

Michelle Hicks