Mr Butts' Announcements

Our Preps have notched up 100 days of school!

Every minute matters!

As you all know, if a student is absent and the school is not made aware of the reason, we are required by law to contact parents and carers to ensure the children are safe and note why they are away.  Parents and carers can notify the school by our app or by calling the office in the morning.

100 Days for the Preps!

Congratulations to our wonderful Preps who celebrated their 100th day at school last week! They have come such a long way and are loving their learning in the classroom. What a great achievement!

Feast of Mary MacKillop

To celebrate the feast of Mary MacKillop, Australia's first saint we are having a special activity day on Friday.  Our senior students will be running activities and games before lunch time. Students to wear their House Colour t-shirts. Thanks to the Gr 5/6's for organising this.

Grandparent's Day

It was wonderful to see so many attend Grandparent's day a couple of weeks ago.  The children were thrilled to spend time with their grandparents in the classrooms and perform in the concert.  Thank you to Mrs. Hicks for preparing. the children for the performance, it was excellent!

Thanks Jai!

On the weekend Jai and Max Mason went to an AFL promotion at Rebel in Shepparton. Jai won the raffle which was a $500 gift voucher for St Mary's! Great job Jai!

New Principal Process

There is likely to be an announcement regarding the new principal of St Mary's in the coming weeks.  Keep an eye out for an email.


The children enjoyed celebrating NAIDOC week with a variety of activities and events. The week culminated with a showcase on Friday where the students shared their learnings  and celebrated the aboriginal culture. Thanks to Tahlia who organised the footy jumper design competition which many students entered. Congratulations to Shyanne Monshing, Roohani Singh and Lily Church for their winning designs!


Before School Supervision

Please note that  all students that arrive at school prior to 8:30am must fill out an application via the link below.  I appreciate everyone's understanding and cooperation regarding this.

Before School Supervision                                


Assembly 29th July

Assembly 5th August


Principal's Award

29th July Maya Williams

Maya is a very friendly student who is always well organised and responsible.  Maya's calm and warm presence plays a big part in promoting a positive and happy environment. Thank you Maya for playing your part in making St Mary's a happy and friendly school.



5th August Jensen Ferrari

Jensen is in outstanding student with many admirable qualities. He is  actively cooperative and responsible at all times, which sets a great example to other students. Jensen has a  calming influence to those around him and  is developing some genuine leadership skills. Thanks for being such a great role model Jensen!


Mr Butts' Jokes!

Q: How do you know if a koala is a real one?

A: It will have the correct koalafications!


A student came to school on a dress up day piggy backing his sister. He told his teacher he was a turtle and when they asked him who was on his back he replied "This is Michelle!" 


Anthony Butts



"Let Your Light Shine before others, so they may see your good works." Matthew 5:13