Athletics Day 

The annual UHS Athletics Carnival took place on Tuesday 5th of March at the University of Melbourne Athletics track. Participation rates were extremely high, and it was fantastic to see so many of our students giving it their best and contributing to their house total! 


One of the highlights of the day was the staff v student relay race. The students were (just!) able to out-race the staff team on this occasion but it was a very competitive race. 


The much-anticipated results were announced on the last day of Term 1 - 

Congratulations to Coleman for their outstanding efforts and taking out the Overall Trophy for Athletics this year. 


Well done also to the following students who were awarded individual age group champions for their achievements on the day:

Best Dressed Staff Member - Miss Reade (aka Mark Wazowski)

Best Dressed Students - “The Four Little Pigs” and “The Black Sheep” - special mention goes to all Year 12’s who put in a huge effort. 

A massive congratulations to all students on their efforts throughout the day and a big thank you to all staff that played a role in supporting another successful athletics carnival this year.


Maddie Brown and Nicole Solomon - Head of School Sport Carnivals