Principal's Message 

What a busy and productive term we have had! In addition to regular classes, we’ve run 2 whole-school sports carnivals, 7 camps (Year 7s x 3, Galileo, Outdoor and Environmental Studies x 2), inter-school sports days, School Photos, Year 9 Morrisby Careers testing, NAPLAN, Production auditions, Year 7 and 10 Immunisations, our Clubs and Groups Market and multiple parent engagement events. We’re getting great feedback from our new Year 10 subject offerings and structure, and our classes are now well and truly progressing in their learning. 


Last Friday I attended the Top Designs VCE (2023) launch at the Melbourne Museum. As well as being chosen for the exhibition - a feat in and of itself - our class of 2023 student Michael Streader won an additional honour in being named the ‘Environmental Design Prize’ winner. A great achievement and proud moment for Michael, his family and his Year 12 teacher Maryann Augustinus.  The celebrations of VCE Excellence continued this week with the Top Class Sound (VCE Music) performance at the Darebin Arts Centre, featuring Yesie Lin Viota and Michael Streader. Congratulations to both students and their VCE teachers Cameron McCormick and Melissa Goodger.


NAPLAN testing has now concluded for our Year 7 and 9 students, with a 97% completion rate: a testament to the great organisation and hard work of the NAPLAN team. Thank you to Sue Prosenica who oversaw this work. This is the third year in which the tests have run online and we are now experiencing significantly fewer connection and technical issues. The adaptive nature of the tests and the early testing window of March means that schools now receive more valuable and timely information about student learning. 

Communication with families

We have finished the term with some productive and positive Parent Student Teacher Conferences, an opportunity to connect and to reflect on learning progress and next steps.  A goal for our school this year is to continue to enhance and expand our communication and partnership with families. You may have noticed additional notifications about your child's learning and progress through Compass. During Term 2, we will be expanding this further and providing opportunity for parents and classroom teachers to communicate more directly on matters involving classwork and organisation, so that families can continue to support our students' progress at home. Look out for further details via Compass early next term. 

School Council election and sub-committees

Thank you to all our candidates and voters in the recent School Council elections. Congratulations to the following newly elected School Council Members:



Virginia Trioli

Ben Jensen



Begum Tektin



Devika Chaudhary 

Rob Westwood


We are now calling out for members of our School Council sub-committees. These are open to all parents/carers, students and staff, and are a great way to get involved in an area of interest in relation to our school. These groups meet approximately twice per term to explore some of the more detail-focused work of Council, and may make recommendations to School Council on particular matters.


The sub-committees are:

  • Community Making and Engagement
  • Policy and Governance
  • Finance
  • Buildings and Grounds
  • Sustainability Working Group

School Council sub-committees assist Council with performing their duties and functions by focusing on a particular area of interest. Sub-committees do not make decisions on behalf of Council, but may provide advice and make recommendations to Council. 


All members of our school community are invited to volunteer your time and skills to one of these groups.These groups typically meet twice per term, on Wednesday evenings. It is usually only possible to be a member of one sub-committee, as they often meet at the same time. 


To learn more about each sub-committee, and to express your interest, please complete this form by Monday 15 April.


What do my financial contributions do?

Many of the events featured in this newsletter were made possible by the voluntary and curriculum contributions of our families. We understand that not all families are in a position to make these contributions, and we thank those who have been able to do so.  

These contributions supplement the funding that schools receive for core learning activities. They help to fund items such as the buses, equipment and venue hire for our Sports Carnivals and inter-school sport; padlocks for student lockers; student ID cards; publications such as yearbooks and this newsletter platform; graduation ceremonies and special events; Study Skills seminars; and year level activities and excursions. Donations to our Building Fund will this year enable us to install CCTV at the school, enhancing student safety and providing a deterrent to facilities damage. Donations to our Library Fund allow us to access research databases and online subscriptions well beyond that of an average school library. If you would like more information about the voluntary contributions, or wish to discuss financial supports that are available to families, please contact our office on 9347 2022. 

Happy holidays

I hope you all enjoy a very safe, restful and happy holiday break. March is an important time in the spiritual calendar of many of our families: wishing you those of you who celebrate a very colourful and happy Holi; Ramadan Mubarak; and a Happy Easter.  


Ciar Foster
