Humanities: Classical Studies Archaeology Week

An essential area of study in Classical Studies Unit 1 is the study of archaeology. Archaeology, the study of material remains, gives a voice to those often left out of written sources: women, children, slaves, foreigners and marginalised groups. In the absence of written records, such as in Mycenaean Greece, archaeology becomes essential to understanding the world of the Homeric hero.


 Classical Studies students spent a week engaging in activities to help them understand the nature of archaeological investigations.

  • On Monday, Ramona Angelico, Team Leader Historical Artefacts from Dr Vincent Clark Archaeology and Heritage, visited our school. She shared her finds from her latest work in urban archaeology in Melbourne. Ramona remarked on the quality questions asked by students and students were surprised to learn of the enormous career prospects in the field.
  • On Wednesday students learned the importance of context in understanding artefacts. They also learned some school history along the way!
  • On Friday students visited Melbourne General Cemetery where they studied the typography of graves of various ethnic and religious groups. By studying the features of a particular tomb, students were able to construct a possible historical narrative. A highlight for students is the memorial grotto to Elvis Presley!

 Here are students thought of the week:

Guest speaker: 

She was charismatic and informative (Eve Becker - Year 11)

I loved the local information (Metro tunnel work). It was great to see the items found and to learn of the new technology. (Gillian Fox - Year 12)

Our guest speaker answered a lot of interesting questions. (Jasper Simionato - Year 11)


Context & UHS Trail: 

Cool but could have included more history of the school (Jasper Simionato - Year 11)

I really enjoyed this lesson. It was something new that I had never done before and very fun and interesting. (Matilda Piechotowska - Year 11)

The trail was a chaotic experience! (Eve Becker - Year 11)


Cemetery Excursion: 

I loved it. It was interactive and interesting. (Olivia Como - Year 11)

It was interesting. (Felix Chandler - Year 11)

We saw the burial place of half of a Prime Minister (Bob Hawke’s the other half of his ashes are in Sydney)  (Eve Becker - Year 11)


 Maree Garra-Riley - Classical Studies teacher