Outdoor & Environmental Studies

This term both Year 11 and Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental Studies students experienced 3-day camps, below are some reflections from students:

Year 11 Camp:

On our camp, we explored the beautiful nature around the Great Ocean Road. We participated in tons of fun activities, including surfing, hiking, and paddle boarding. The trip was a blast, even if barely any of us managed to stand on our surfboards!

Tillie Stanger-Ross - Year 11


Camp was a unique experience that felt very different from all camps done in previous years. It was a more freeing camp where we got to enjoy the camp ourselves and it felt like we were camping and not on a school camp. We got to go surfing, paddle boarding, ocean swimming, to explore the beachside towns, explore forest and hike up a mountain, to cook whatever we want, to spend time with new people and have great conversations and arguments. It was something worth remembering.

Coulton Thompson - Year 10


One of my favourite activities was surfing. Although it was a bit challenging for the first time, I overcame the challenge and was almost able to stand up.

Tenzin Longchoekangsar - Year 11


Year 12 Camp:

Camp was amazing. The morning hike through the forest was thrilling, with the early light filtering through the trees and the sounds of wildlife creating an adventurous atmosphere. The team-building activities were my favourite, teaching valuable lessons about teamwork and communication. We also enjoyed beach activities like swimming and playing soccer, jumping in the water with our clothes on as well as a fun scavenger hunt. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience.

Najla Abdel Fatah - Year 12


Where do I start? The Wilsons prom camp was an amazing experience, I had a great time spending time with nature, this journey I made a lot of new memories and learnt a lot of new things. My highlight had to be going to the beach, where the water was bioluminescent glowing in the dark, running across the beach creating glowing footprints, the environment wasn't polluted and the stars were shining brighter than I've ever seen, stargazing under the clear night sky. My favourite activity had to be the hikes, all though they were tiring. It was a relief reaching the top and looking at the breathtaking views.

Gutama Umar Subi - Year 12


The highlight throughout the few days we spent as a group in Wilsons prom was all of the walks that we went on, because it was challenging but I felt really good afterwards and was rewarded with the beautiful landscape that surrounded us. We got to experience so many special opportunities as a group, such as going on a night walk and we could turn our flashlights off and were just surrounded by the natural light from the stars, even shooting stars. I got to see first hand the ocean in bioluminescence where we could run across the water and the water would glow with our steps and when the waves crashed.

Tamsyn Williams - Year 12