Clubs and Groups Market Day

The recent Clubs and Groups Market Day at University High School was an electrifying showcase of the diverse interests and talents within our school community. From the dynamic performances by UHS Studios - featuring the mesmerising dance moves of our Dance Club and the catchy rhythms of the K-Pop Club - the event buzzed with activity and enthusiasm.


This year, students had the opportunity to discover and sign up for a plethora of clubs that cater to a wide range of interests. Whether it was the focused silence of the Chess Club, the creative joy of the Knitting Club, or the thrill of the Cricket Club, there was something for everyone. The introduction of new clubs like the Robotics Club and the Game Development Club ensures that Uni High stays at the forefront of student interests and technological advancements.

Not just about fun and games, the clubs also reflect our commitment to inclusivity and support, with the LGBTQIA+ Group and the Young Women’s Club providing safe spaces for students to express themselves and find community.


We believe that participating in these clubs and groups not only enriches students' school life but also builds essential skills such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. We're excited to see the incredible achievements our students will accomplish this year, fuelled by their passions and the support of their clubs. Here's to a year of learning, growth, and fun!


Chris Bush - Head of Student Voice & Leadership