Principal Message

Welcome back to Term Two.  We trust that everyone had a lovely break. The autumn weather is turning and we return to school with plenty of colour in the trees. A good time to check in with your son or daughter about uniform for winter warmth.


Last Thursday our Captains and SRC represented the college in the march and wreath laying in the Wagga Wagga ANZAC Service. I know that many of our students and families attended or took part in similar services in other parts of the Riverina or where they were on holidays, including the Sydney march which was the largest in recent years. 

On Tuesday of this week we held our college ANZAC liturgy and service attended by Michael McCormack MP, Mayor Dallas Tout and Warrant Officer 1st Class Glenn White. The students were amazing in their respect and reverence and were a credit to themselves and the school. Mr McCormack and Mr Tout both spoke about the place of ANZAC day in the Wagga community and implored the young people to keep the tradition going. WO1 Mr White spoke of the ANZAC spirit and its ongoing relevance to the lives of young people. Mr David Flannery and I both spoke of our Fathers’ stories as veterans of World War II. Again I can't thank the students enough for being such a respectful audience. 


This week saw the commencement of the cycle oParent-Teacher-Student interviews, last night being Year 7-11. It was wonderful to see so many families engaging with staff helping their children set goals for the term ahead based on the feedback. Can I encourage all to please take the opportunity to be checking in with teachers. It is important we work in partnership not just as a promise but in reality.


A busy time for sport and co-curricular at KCC. As we enter the new term I’d like to recognise both the Under 15 girls soccer team who won their CWWHSSA competition and the Opens rugby league who won the Hardy Shield for now the third year in a row. Congratulations! 

We have a very busy term ahead with preparation for our Creative Arts showcase underway. There are a number of shows happening in Weeks 7/8 and  a full schedule of sporting and other co curricular events just in the next five weeks

  • Davinci Decathlon 
  • AFL (Carroll Cup, Currie Cup, Lumsden Cup & Kendall Cup)
  • NSW All Schools Touch Football
  • BISSA Cross Country
  • Riverina League Tag
  • Netball Schools Cup
  • Tracey Gunson Netball 

We also have many students who have gained selection in Diocesan / Western teams and now attending the following Trials

  • NSWCCC AFL Trials
  • Southern Country Rugby League Trials Boys & Girls 
  • Soccer NSWCCC Trials
  • NSWCCC Netball Trials
  • NSWCCC Hockey Trials
  • NSW All Schools Swimming and Diving

We congratulate all who are trialling and wish them well for selections. I’d like to remind them and families that such representation is a privilege, it's not automatic,  and we will only allow students to progress to represent who are in good standing with the college. We review all nominations on this basis. Thankfully we haven't had to stop anyone so far this year but clarity on this issue is important. 


Please see below for details around the Sesquicentenary (150th Anniversary)  of the Presentation Sisters in Wagga Wagga. This is a major milestone and celebration planning for the events at the end of May are well underway and we look forward to engaging with you all as we get closer to that time. If you wish to attend the formalities on Saturday 10th May, please rsvp to 


In regard to building plans we have had to have a rethink/replan due to the impact of significantly rising building costs and rising interest rates. Consequently we are engaging closely with the Catholic Schools NSW Block Grant Authority team and CEDWW along with our architects to re-envision the project and staging with a shift in focus to the old Trinity buildings side of the college. The overwhelming need is recognised as is the reality of buildings at end of life, not fit for purpose any longer.  I will keep you all up to date on where we are up to. 

All of the consultation so far has not been wasted and will be reflected in new plans so thank you for all your support on this and rest assured we have exciting plans in store for our school community. 


I am very conscious at this time that many families are grappling with cost of living pressures that are impacting on household budgets. This can impact on school fees and ability to pay . I am also concerned that families may be making decisions about ongoing enrolment before speaking with us here at Kildare. We can help and want to help. Our team is here to help and we are very happy to meet with you to talk about the challenges and see how we can help manage them. 

Bishop Mark is clear that no child should be denied a Catholic education due to inability to pay fees. There is a sliding scale of relief available based on application and the details given. That is then assessed and we can support you. Please contact the college on 02 6932 6100 or email . The team will then make contact to assist. 


Thank you for your ongoing support of the college.






Sesquicentenary of the Presentation Sisters in Wagga Wagga