Engagement & Wellbeing

Bus Zone - For Buses Only
We remind families that the bus zone at the front of the school is for buses only during school hours, as signed. Please do not pick up or drop off students at the bus stop.
Our school’s dedicated “drop & go” zone is at the roundabout next to the gym, on the corner of Inglis St. & Yuille St. Please use this area for student drop offs.
The roads around our school can be busy at the start and end of the school day, however we are fortunate to have multiple entry and exit points to our school.
We thank you for your continued support and helping to keep the roads around our school safe for students and road users.
Staying Healthy & Well
We are unfortunately seeing some viruses and illnesses around the school and wider community at the moment, including COVID.
We are continuing to take the important steps of ensuring air purifiers are in use, external ventilation is maximised and good personal hygiene is encouraged.
Students displaying symptoms of any illness should not attend school.
Should students become unwell during the school day parents will be asked to collect their child from school and to keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic.
Please note that some illnesses have a minimum period of exclusion from school. The Minimum Period of Exclusion from Primary Schools and Children’s Services for Infectious Disease Cases and Contacts outlines these conditions.
Please read carefully, as this includes conditions such as vomiting/diarrhoea (remain at home until there has not been vomiting or a loose bowel motion for 24 hours) and head lice.
Thanks to everyone for helping to keep our school community healthy.
Bunjil Student Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a P-2 Bunjil Award at last week’s assembly! Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.
They also enjoyed a hot chocolate or zooper dooper with Mr Conlan and Mrs Sullivan on Friday.
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Reminder: Excursion Deadlines - Payment & Consent
While at times we have been flexible with deadlines for excursion consent and payment, moving forward, we wish to inform you that this will no longer be possible.
The Department of Education requires schools to plan for and safely undertake activities as outlined in the Excursion policy.
As part of our ongoing commitment to student safety and to ensure the successful and safe operation of our activities, all consent forms and payments are to be received by the specified deadline.
Unfortunately, students who miss the due date will be unable to participate.
We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and if you require financial assistance or support, please contact the school office to discuss available options prior to the event deadline.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school office.
Back to School Voucher Program: Assistance Available
The Ballarat Foundation’s Back to School Voucher Program provides assistance to families in need to purchase items required for students to attend and engage in learning, as well as strengthen their educational experience.
Vouchers are provided for the purchasing of essential school items such as uniforms, shoes, art smocks, bags, stationery items, etc.
If your family is having difficulty during this time of additional expense, please contact Narelle Sullivan (narelle.sullivan@education.vic.gov.au) or the school office for assistance.
All correspondence will remain confidential.
Recreational fishing in Victoria - message for Schools
The Victorian Government is proactive in encouraging all Victorians to fish, specifically focusing on the involvement of women, children, and people from diverse backgrounds. We educate fishers and the community about responsible fishing practices and promote stewardship of our precious aquatic and animal resources via our Marine and Freshwater Discovery Centre, Education and Engagement Unit and funding of Fishcare Victoria Inc.
Recreational fishing offers terrific opportunities for people of all ages, skills, abilities, and backgrounds to enjoy a fun and healthy activity and build social connections. Our aboriginal heritage is also deeply linked to fishing, with thousands of years of indigenous fishing history in Victoria.
The VFA run a range of free community fishing festivals across the State, stock 10 million fish into Victoria’s waterways each year, including a range of threatened species, install fishing and boating infrastructure to improve access, install recreational fishing reefs and improve habitat and undertake important research into Victoria’s many different species of seafood.
For more information about the VFA, recreational fishing opportunities in Victoria and/or a potential future career in natural resource management for your students, please visit www.vfa.vic.gov.au .
Little Anglers Hub
The VFA has created the kid-friendly Little Anglers Hub website (www.vfa.vic.gov.au/littleanglerkit), written specifically for children with useful information, instructional videos about how to safely set up and use the kits, being safe around the water, as well as advice on where to go fishing in Victoria.
There is an electronic copy of the Kids Guide to fishing that was included in the kits available on this site, both in English and five other languages.
Key Safety Messages
Going fishing is awesome and so much fun! When it comes to fishing, it’s important to stay safe, especially around water!
Students can keep their fishing safe by:
- going with a friend;
- being careful with hooks and lures;
- looking behind before casting;
- handling fish carefully;
- being conscious of the dangers associated with water;
- protecting yourself against the elements (sunscreen, drinking water);
- letting someone know before you go; and
- washing your hands after handling lead sinkers, especially before eating or drinking.
The link below is to a short safety video that is posted on the Little Anglers hub website, reinforcing the above safety messages to students.
Please note that fishing equipment is not for human consumption. If swallowed, hooks can cause serious harm and lead sinkers can be toxic. Young children and those with some disabilities including pica disorder are especially vulnerable and should be supervised whilst fishing. If a child does swallow a hook or lead sinker, seek medical assistance immediately - don’t wait for it to pass.
If you would like any additional information about this exciting commitment, please visit the Victorian Fishing Authority’s Little Angler Kits FAQs for parents, located on the VFA’s website (www.vfa.vic.gov.au).