Curriculum Outline

Year 07
The Year 07 curriculum builds on the primary years and extends the development of skills and strategies that are essential for effective learning.
Students study some subjects for a semester (half year) and others across the whole year. Each subject covers a comprehensive range of activities designed to provide the fundamental skills which students need to understand and successfully interact with the world around them, and work towards the standards specified in the Australian Curriculum.
Foundations in literacy in English and numeracy in Mathematics are laid, whilst offering each student the opportunity to attain their highest level of achievement. Humanities, Science, Music, Art/technology, Health, Physical Education, German and the Hold Fast mentoring program provide a range of learning experiences.
Hold Fast - Achievement Program
HOLD FAST - The Macleod College motto, originated from the clan Macleod Dunvegan castle in the Isle of Skye. Meaning to be strong and resilient.
The aim of the ‘HOLD FAST’ program will be to:
- Provide a daily and weekly platform for 21st century skills, Positive Education, Careers, Respectful Relationships, Mindfulness, Leadership, Rock and Water, Study Skills, Global Citizenship and Learning Plans
- Create a more personalised schooling and learning experience for students
- To provide students with the opportunity to set and reflect on SMART goals and develop a digital learning portfolio through the ‘my future’ website that will be monitored by a mentor teacher and discussed with families