
Timetable runs over two weeks and covers a range of subjects
Subject | Code | Per 2 week cycle |
English | ENG | 8 periods |
Mathematics | MAT | 8 periods |
Humanities | HUM | 5 periods |
Science | SCI | 5 periods |
Art/Technology | ART,TEC | 6 periods |
German | GER | 5 periods |
Health | HEA | 3 periods |
Physical Education | PED | 2 periods |
Music | MUS | 2 periods |
Sport | SPO | 2 periods |
Digital Technologies | DIG | 2 periods |
Hold Fast | HOL | 2 periods |
Students, your Compass Timetable looks like this:
For example 10.00: 2 – 7HEA2 – G1 – CRO
10am Period 2 Year 7 Health in G1 with Mr Crowe