Locker, books, stationary, mobile phones and devices

Students will take part in the Transition Program at the School for the first 3 days of Term 1. During this time, they will have the opportunity to set up their locker. Students will be assigned a locker on this day; they will be provided with a combination lock, and given plenty of time during the transition period to learn how to use it. It is important that lockers are kept locked at all times and that students do not share their locker combinations. If misplaced, a replacement can be purchased from the Reception.
You will be sent details of the textbooks, stationery and other resources that Year 07 students will need during 2025. Our book supplier, North of the Yarra, will provide you with a list of the texts and other non-stationery requirements the students need for classes in 2025. These will be ordered via the North of the Yarra website and can be collected from the School. Some of the listed texts will be in digital form, and a small number of texts are only available in hard copy. There is also the option of digital or hard copy for some texts. A number of subjects do not require a text at Year 07.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches
Please note that mobile phones and smart watches are not permitted at school between 8.54am and 3.10pm. If brought, these items must be kept in their locker between these times. Please see the link on our Macleod College Mobile Phone Policy.
At Macleod College, we recognise the diverse backgrounds and technology interests of our students. To accommodate these interests, our BYOD model allows students and parents to choose their own learning device. This supports families that may already have an appropriate device and can eliminate the need to purchase additional equipment. We are happy to provide advice to parents when choosing appropriate devices.
To support the BYOD program at Macleod College, we have:
- Upgrading existing Wi-Fi infrastructure to suit newer device types
- Updated curriculum and learning spaces to adapt to changes in technology
- Evaluated devices of all types and recommend netbooks as the preferred device
* This includes laptops and tablets, but not mobile phones