Walking SchoolBus Promo:

We are happy to say we had our first Walking School Bus head to school this week!
Amyra Sharma and Rahul Sharma (driver) have named their route, “The Sturges Road Joyride”. They’ll be walking starting from the corner of Sturges Road/ San Bernadino Drive on Monday mornings, and possibly an additional morning - probably Thursday/ Friday (TBD).
If you want to join please email Rahul at rahulbitm@gmail.com to arrange for days/ times. I’ve attached a photo that Rahul sent me on their walk this morning.
Taneal Ah Chee and her children walk on Mondays and Wednesdays, leaving from the corner of Basra Drive/ Summerland Road at 8:20 a.m. to arrive at school at approximately 8:45 a.m. If we have people wanting to join this route, Taneal’s contact is taneal.ahchee@gmail.com.
For general enquiries about the walking school bus please direct families to walkingschoolbus@at.govt.nz and we will pick up their query.
When promoting these routes, please let parents know that they are expected to join the Walking School Bus as drivers at least one morning a week. This is so that we can ensure the walks are shared amongst the parents and not just left up to Rahul and Taneal.
Once we have grown our Walking School Bus routes to be the official size (two families per route) they will bring Happy Feet the Walking Schoolbus mascot back to school and we can celebrate!
How a Walking School Bus works
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