Just A Thought:

Do the thing you have been avoiding.
If you succeed, you will achieve something great. If you fail, you will learn something great. Either way, something great happens.
Happiness Is Not Something You Need To Find
There are people who have been searching for happiness their whole lives as if happiness were something to be found and kept. Some people think happiness is some kind of special recipe that you get to cook when you have an appetite for it, following all kinds of therapies and happiness hacks.
But happiness does not work like that. Happiness does not exist as a constant feeling or in a continuous state. Happiness comes in many forms - it comes in little pieces, in moments throughout your life. Happiness is when you fall in love. Happiness is when you have a child. Or maybe it’s something else, whatever it may be.
Happiness is made out of moments, and at the end, you put these moments together, like pieces of a puzzle, and when the puzzle is done, you can say: this was my happiness!
On The Meaning Of Life
What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning of life? Of course, nobody really knows, and there are no correct answers to this existential question. But still, many ask themselves this question every now and then. Many also provide all sorts of answers. Many turn to science for answers. We live in an age in which even God somehow needs to be proved by science.
There is an argument to be made that there is no defined purpose of life. That life is just a road between birth and death. And death allows us to build meaning into our lives. So you get to walk on this road, you get to make this journey. Everything that you experience while making this journey, the sum of it all is what gives your life meaning.
It’s your life, your journey, your meaning.