Library News 

Colouring In Competition

Congratulations to Seth and Ellie who were the winners of the colouring in competition in support of the Missions. Thank you to all students who entered and generously donated.




Library Lessons

This term we have been learning about ANZAC day. Last week, Year 1 and 2 read Anzac Ted by Belinda Landsberry. After the story they were asked to create their own Anzac Ted or a medal which are now proudly on display in the library. 


They'd see a hero, plain as day

Who sits upon my bed.

A hero, who saved me and you.

His name is Anzac Ted.

Book Fair

We are very excited to announce that the first Book Fair for the year will be held in the library at the beginning of next term! There will be a huge selection of books available to purchase. Keep an eye out for more information closer to the date. 

Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC)

We are now a few weeks into this year's challenge. Please remember to record books that your child has read either on the paper booklet or directly onto the PRC website. Students who are registered for the challenge are encouraged to find books on the PRC booklist during their borrowing session. You should see a PRC sticker (red, green or blue) on the front cover of the library books. 

Please email if you need any help throughout the challenge.