The Arts

Ms Monique McMullen - Head of Department The Arts

TERM 2 Visual Art Workshop

Enrolments now open for the Visual Art 8 Week program

Next term, we are offering an 8-week program for students to enrol in the OPEN STUDIO workshop. This workshop will allow students to work on projects of their choice—2D or 3D—and all levels of expertise are welcome. Students will be supported and assisted in generating and developing ideas and plans and using processes and techniques to resolve artwork(s) over this 8-week period. Please see the attached details and enrolment application. 


Trivia Night – New Date!

We have secured another date for our annual Trivia Night, which will now be held on Friday 10 May (Term 2, Week 4). Come and have a fun, chilled Friday night with BYO drinks and nibblies. Hopefully, you'll win some of our fabulous raffle prizes, if not the trivia quiz. Bring your kids or come without them; it will be a fun night where everyone is welcome. 


Quizmaster and Hard Quiz Big Brass Mug winner Andrew McMicking will be with his usual set of curly questions to tease young and old minds. 


Supporters who bought tickets – your seats/tables have been carried over to the new date. We hope you can still make it along to this fabulous night. Please get in touch with us through the Humanitix app if you wish to alter or cancel your booking.


If you didn't get a ticket last time – what are you waiting for?! It is a great, fun-filled family night that directly supports our Arts programs at the school. There are tables of 8 for sale, or single tickets, so you can join a smaller group and mix it up with new friends. It is a great chance to meet some new people or to get together with an old group of friends, or a group of old friends!


Doors open at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 pm start. Arrive early to set up your table and have dinner and drinks with your teammates before the questions begin.


Ticket prices are: 

$15 per adult/ $104 for a table of 8 adults (or a mixed adult/student table)

$10 per student/ $72 for a table of 8 students


The event is BYO (and TAYO – take away your own) food and drinks. So please cater for your table as the canteen will be closed. This is a night our PoPArts team will be in the mix with you all rather than behind the counter.

Frequently asked questions:


     ** Is there an overall theme?

No, there isn't. However, table groups are encouraged to imagine their own theme and come in costume with props to decorate the table with. There are prizes for best-dressed tables.


     ** Do I have to come in costume?

No, not at all. You are welcome in your usual Friday night attire!


     ** Do I have to book a whole table of 8?

No, you can book individual tickets and join a table of new friends for a fun night. Please reach out to us through the PoPArts secretary if we can assist you to find a place with a group. 


     ** What is the fundraiser for?

PoPArts direct 100% of their fundraising towards our arts programs in the school. They have assisted all four subject areas in The Arts as well as the Instrumental Music program to purchase new equipment and resources as well as provide incredible learning opportunities with Artists in residence.


     ** Are there prizes?

Yes, there are prizes for the winning adult table and student table. We also have prizes for the best-dressed tables in both categories and fabulous raffles.


     ** Do students sit together or are there mixed tables of students and adults?

Students can form tables on their own or join their families on an adult table. Some friendly family rivalry is always welcome!


     ** Are the questions arts-based or general knowledge?

The trivia quiz is all general knowledge with questions about sport, arts, culture, Brisbane, politics, geography and any other category you can think of. It is great to have a diverse range of expertise on your table for this reason - just ask our Arts teachers who struggle every year with the sports round!


Hope to see you there!