P&C News

Mrs Erin Williams - P&C President

Our P&C AGM was held last Monday, and not so much has changed. The office holders of The Gap State High School P&C are as below:

President: Erin Williams

Vice President: Leigh Passfield

Treasurer: Christiana Xu

Secretary: Briony Blackmur (acting, looking for new secretary, especially for Monday meetings)


A big thank you to our outgoing vice president, Stephanie Smith! She was a great support and spokesperson for parents. 


We are so grateful to all our volunteers in the subcommittees, with our Parents of Arts committee, Students Support Learning Group committee and the recently renamed Parents and Friends of the Elite Volleyball Program. These parents focus on particular specialties and areas of the school and give a place to find out more if your child is involved in these areas. 


The P&C contributes funds to school activities, but we are not just a fundraising facility. Our onsite services are staffed by experienced and talented people who work hard to build supplier relationships and source good quality and the best value goods to offer affordable options. Our bookkeeper, tuckshop convenor and uniform convenor always put in a huge effort to organise everything to make life easier for students, staff and parents. We also employ 6-7 casual staff in both the tuckshop and uniform shop, and both areas train students in retail and food services.


The uniform shop operates weekly and over the summer holidays to service and supply students, parents and the school with school uniforms. There is a well-stocked and managed second-hand uniform section of the shop to ease the affordability of the uniform. Our tuckshop convenor works hard to get the best quality materials for the best available price. Every item’s price is carefully considered to ensure all families get good clothes value. 


The tuckshop serves a daily feast of options for teachers, students and staff, emphasising fresh made and interesting options for all dietary needs. Our tuckshop convenor also caters staff and visitor events as well as bigger school events. As with the uniform shop, all prices are carefully considered and set to ensure costs are covered and prices are affordable, competitively priced with the commercially available food at The Gap Village.


All profit from our fundraising, tuckshop and uniform shop goes straight back into the school. As office holders, we take our roles seriously and spend many hours managing the businesses of this P&C and meeting with the school to plan for continuous improvement.


If you would like to be a part of this, come along to meetings in the library every second Monday of the month (next meeting after holidays – 13 May) or seek out the committees of parents for the areas your child is involved in.