Principal News

Video Transcript:

Hello everyone and welcome to this addition of The Gap State High Schools newsletter.

Running very fast, to the end of our first term of 2024 and there are a couple of events that I would like to talk to you and remind you about.

Next week is Harmony week and all things around harmony and celebrating diversity and multiculturalism will be happening at The Gap SHS. Thanks to the amazing leadership of our Head of Department, Mr Yeong Gwon, we have the best Harmony week that the school has ever seen about to be launched. I hope you get to hear lots about it and your young people really enjoy what is on offer next week,

Quickly on the back of HarmonyWeek, we are solidly preparing for The Gap Experience event and that happens very early in Term 2, in fact, Thursday afternoon in Week 1.


Please remind, share, put it in your calendar, and make sure you come and join us in having the experience at The Gap SHS that evening, to find out about all the new and older more established programs in our excellence spaces and some new and exciting ideas we have to grow and nurture our young people at The Gap SHS.

Until next time, thanks everyone.


Harmony Week

Monday 18 - Friday 27 March 2024


Each day we will celebrate a different culture - Monday (Celebrating American Culture), Tuesday (Celebrating African Culture), Wednesday (Celebrating Asian Culture), Thursday (Celebrating European Culture) and Friday (Celebrating Middle East Culture).


During the week we will:

  • Monday - Hold a whole school assembly (what is harmony week, diversity figures snapshot, 2023 qld multicultural months survey results and interview video for culturally and lingustically diverse staff)
  • During lesson time: Brain breaks about Harmony Week including cultural dances, dress, recipes and trivia quiz.
  • 1st break everyday: Cultural or culturally themed foods at Tuckshop, posters displayed about history, tradition and culture, music


The Gap Experience

Date: Thursday 18 April 2024

Time: 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Location: The Gap State High School

If you would like to volunteer please complete the below permission form and return to Mrs Rowe at