School Updates

Sport - Swimming Conference 

On Wednesday the 28th February, 10 students represented St Francis Xavier at the Conference 2 Swimming Championships. 


The students swam to the best of their abilities and displayed great sportsmanship towards their teammates and other competitors. 


Congratulations to all these students.


The 2024 St Francis Xavier Swimming Carnival is on Friday the 22nd March. If you have not returned the permission note via Compass yet, could you please do so as soon as possible. We are looking forward to an amazing event.

Connie Pinto-Hayes

PE Teacher and Sports Coordinator


Library - Book Club

The best gift any parent can give a child is the love of good books and the joy and benefits of good reading. Children who read at home, or are read to, have a head start on reading success in school. Our school is participating in Scholastic Book Clubs this year. 


Twice a term during the school year a Book Club brochure will be sent home with a different selection of books offered. You'll find award-winning books, as well as old and new favourites. I recommend them because the books span a wide range of children's reading levels and interests and because they are inexpensive (some books cost as little as $5). It is easy to order. Just look over the brochure with your child, select the books you want, then order online. 


Please make sure you order in your child’s class name/teacher name. Book Club at our school is cashless, so all payments are made online, using a credit card via the LOOP system on the Book Club website. The books you have ordered will arrive around 1-2 weeks after the order is sent to Scholastic. Each order helps earn free books and teaching materials for your child's classroom; however, there is never any obligation to order. PS: For more information about the


Book Club, you can visit the Scholastic Book Club Web site at Please do not hesitate to contact me at school if you have any questions or phone Book Club on 1800 021 233.


Happy Reading 

Mrs Karevski

Teacher Librarian