Family Educator's 


Mrs. Janine Hannigan 

Family Educator


Special prayer written by Sr Leone

                                                          Standing on a cultural threshold

She waited. 

Waited immersed in community 

Quietly nurturing relationships

opening minds

touching hearts

healing  hurts 

advising people of power.

A reconciler working from within

straining to hear the call from her God

for her future, their future, our future.

Waiting to see the prophetic need,

to bring to birth the prophetic voice, quietly.

Rome spoke.

A wake up call! 

With quiet dissent she trusted

that wisdom’s time had come..

delay no longer…

With haste Brescia,

Gathered young girls- women 

eager hearts and hands of God.

And a company was born,

born at a threshold

a transition moment..

a company without cloister

a community without walls

Such birthing etching in our hearts

to live in the unfolding present,

to question not maintain the status quo.

Women’s work 

for hear and feel

 heartbeat of our times

and in the heart beat

The longing of the community 

and of its God life.

Such is our work

in this place, Ashbury,

in this time 2024.

Like Angela

Courage, discernment, decision 

Then DARE TO DO ! 

Ladies Supper


On the 8th March we hosted an unique event for the women in our community to cherish existing friendships, cultivate new connections, and observe the significance of women in our lives. During the gathering, we were joined by Sr. Kari, Sr. Leone, and Sr. Judith, our beloved Ursuline sisters. The evening was inspired with the spirit and essence of St. Angela Merici's work, creating an atmosphere of faith, warmth, belonging, and unity. Sister Leone guided us through Angela's profound history and legacy. Angela's teachings encouraged us to nurture our inner selves like a vine and extend that growth to others. We were encouraged to make our hearts and homes like a piazza. A place for solace, peace, and friendship. Our gathering resembled our own piazza, making it a truly memorable evening. Thank you to the ladies who shared in this special evening, Ms Biskupic for sharing her musical talents with us and Sr Leone for her captivating talk.




Link to the opening prayer International women's day prayer 2024.docx


LENTEN Prayer Station 

Week 4 our reflection focused on Christ’s face shines through acts of kindness and 

week 5 the theme was shared ‘Walking with Jesus in Love


The last 5 weeks have been wonderful to have so many students and parents join in the Lenten prayer station. What a wonderful way to start our day taking a moment in prayer and reflection during this most blessed season of Lent. Thank you to everyone who shared this time together. 


Coffee and Connect 


I would like to invite the families from Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2  to join us for morning tea on the dates below at Flower Power Enfield. There is a café where you can purchase food and coffee. Just be aware the café doesn't allow split bills, please bring cash for your coffee and food. Mr Anderson and Mrs Scullion will also be joining us.


Dates are as follows:


Kindergarten - Friday  15th March  9:15am

Year 1 & 2 - Thursday 4th April 9:15am


Please RSVP to Janine Hannigan Family Educator

I look forward to enjoying a coffee with you and connecting as a community. 



St  Francis Xavier Playgroup

Over the past two weeks our playgroup have learnt and explored the story of Noah’s Ark, the animals that lived on the ark and the sounds they make. We also talked about the special feast day of St Patrick, we made decorated pots of gold with colourful rainbows using our handprints as the rainbow.


Arts and Crafts 

We are celebrating St Patrick on Sunday the 17th March. 


May your troubles be less, and your blessing be more. And nothing but happiness, Come through your door. 

-St Patrick


The children decorated a pot of gold and with a rainbow inside, we discussed family and friends who are treasures to us. The children wrote a prayer for these special people in our lives inside the rainbow. 


Wellness Walk 

You are welcome to join me for a wellness walk around the local area. 

Let's slow down together, start the day with movement and enjoy the surrounding beauty. 


What a great way to start our Thursday; we will walk, chat, and have a coffee. Let's meet on the church steps at 9:00 am. Weather permitting. 


Term 1 dates: 

21st March 

28th March



Janine Hannigan

Family Educator 

Family and Faith