
Education News

Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

Student Representative Council 2024

The Student Representative Council is an action team that sets out to inspire and have a student ‘voice’ within our school. The SRC are given opportunities to participate in activities, enabling them to make a difference in the school and community as well as empowering other students to be involved also. Each year, two representatives from years one to five and this year one representative from year six, are selected to be part of the SRC by their peers. These students are active followers of our school motto and reflect the teachings of the Gospel, focusing on the Ursuline Charism and teachings of St Angela Merici. At St Francis Xavier, we are privileged to belong to a strong community of faith and recognise those who give service at our school. 


On Wednesday, 6th March, the SRC students were commissioned into their role with a special whole school liturgy and presentation of badges. 


Congratulations to the following students who have been chosen by their peers:



Pippa O

Hugo G


Ari P

Livinia R


Adriano P

Jennifer K


Luca C

Emilia R 


Cameron N

Olivia Q


Olive A

Harvey S


Alisha S

Jacob F


Zachary R

Annabelle L


Hannah S

Daniel F

5 G

Savannah T

Adelle F


Sophia A


Feast of St Joseph - 19th March

St Joseph’s Feast Day is celebrated on the 19th of March. This day commemorates the feast of St Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary and father of Jesus. As we read in the Gospels, Joseph was from the line of David – connecting God’s promise in the Old Testament (the old covenant) with His promise in the New Testament (the new covenant, Jesus). Though we never hear from Joseph in the Gospels, we do know much about him through the stories we read of him.

Pope Francis’ apostolic letter describes the seven virtues of St Joseph as a “beloved father”, “tender and loving father”, “an obedient father”, “an accepting father,” a father who is “creatively courageous”, “a working father” and a “father in the shadows,” all encompassing significant qualities that any father can possess and share with his children and family. 

St Joseph is the patron saint of families, fathers, expectant mothers, travellers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers and working people. His feast day is often celebrated by attending Mass and setting up an altar or table where food, flowers and objects are placed to express thanks and gratitude to the saint or to seek his intercession. 

Let us be brave, hard working and faithful like St Joseph as we move forward in the month of March. 


‘... he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.’ 

  • Matthew 1:24

Families are invited to a special liturgy to celebrate the feast of St Joseph on Tuesday 19th March in the playground


Feast of St Patrick - 17th March 

St. Patrick’s Day (March 17)  is one of the most globally celebrated feast days, commemorating the saint who introduced Ireland to Christianity. 

Many legends speak about St Patrick as the saint who drove all snakes out of Ireland, which arose from the credit given to St Patrick for spreading Christianity in Ireland; hence, being known as the great “Apostle of Ireland.”

His teachings, often associated with the use of the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity, became a symbol of Irish faith and spirituality.

March 17 is recognised as the day of St Patrick’s death and has become an opportunity for people around the world to come together, revel in Irish traditions and embrace the spirit of unity. 

To acknowledge St Patrick’s Day at St Francis Xavier, students will be completing a variety of activities themed around his life, values and feast day in their classrooms.

Our year 6 Captains will attend mass at St Mary's Cathedral on Monday

18th March at 10am