Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal 

Over the last few weeks a number of our staff have attended a variety of courses and professional learning experiences across a variety of Key Learning Areas of the curriculum. Being provided with these opportunities is imperative to ensure that St Francis Xavier staff are providing the most current and innovative education for every student.

On Tuesday, our leadership team and some class teachers attended an AIS (Association of Independent Schools) course called “Making Learning Stick”. We looked at the different ways in which students learn and how we can support them in remembering content. A major factor in this process is being able to ‘free up’ space in their working memory.

Freeing up working memory is essential for optimising children's cognitive abilities, facilitating learning, and promoting academic success. Strategies that support working memory development, such as providing clear instructions, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and minimising distractions, can help children reach their full potential in the classroom and beyond.

When children have strong working memory skills and are able to ‘chunk’ and store information in their long term memory, they free up and make space in their working memory for new information. Parents can help with this process by helping to build their child’s working memory.


Every student at St Francis Xavier is unique and possess different learning styles, abilities, and interests. By staying updated on educational research and best practices, our staff can better address the diverse needs of their students, providing differentiated instruction and personalised learning experiences.


Enjoy the rest of the week.


May God bless you and your families

