Principal's News

Mr Brian Anderson


Dear Parents & Friends of St Francis Xavier.


Here I am writing to you again in an all too fast term.

On Tuesday night we held our first Friends of Francis meeting for the year. I was able to share my plans for the school throughout 2024 and discuss how we will achieve our fundraising goals this year. Attached is a copy of my slide show from Tuesday night, I am happy to discuss my presentation with families at any time.


Ashbury Friends of Francis Presentation


Our open days were a great success with over 90 families visiting our amazing school. Interviews commence on Saturday 16th March. If you know of any family wishing to obtain a place for their child at SFX, please ask them to contact the school office for an enrolment application form.


I was also delighted to inform families on Tuesday night that we will have 14 classes at St Francis Xavier in 2025. This equates to 2 x Year 5 classes and 2 X Year 6 classes next year. I remember when we enrolled the current Year 4 in 2019, which was our largest grade for some time. I predicted this would ensure 14 classes in 2025. I am very happy I am here to see this eventuate. Our school continues to thrive and prosper!



Last week we celebrated International Women's Day with a beautiful liturgy in the morning followed by a truly inspirational ladies supper organised by Mrs Barbera & Mrs Hannigan respectively. Thank you also to our Ursuline Sisters for attending and kudos to Sister Leone for sharing the story of Saint Angela who founded the Ursuline order.


As a Catholic school we always link these special days to our faith. At our assembly and supper we were reminded of the importance of Our Lady in our lives and how she is a source of inspiration and comfort to us all. At the end of our liturgy on Friday, I also reminded our boys that during International Women's Day and each and every day moving forward, they should always respect and support all women they encounter in their lives. 

Enjoy the weekend ahead 

