Creative Corner

Fitting in, With the Seams

I don't fit in

Not without the seams

It's not much of a worry, because it's not as bad as it seems

I hear all different stuff

I learn all different things

It's a wonder what wonders a couple of differences bring




It might be nice

If for once in my life

I fit in without the seams

Meet people who liked art

Meet people who liked games

Meet people who liked films, all our interests, all the same


But would it be what I think it to be

Would it live up to all my dreams

Or would it leave me yearning to fit in with the seams?


See when you're in a group of people who are all the same

There's no new knowledge or passion to gain

You'd be unable to grow

You'd have nothing new to show


So should I look for places to fit in?

Or am I better off

Not fitting perfectly

Fitting, with the seams


Daniel Gedye-Sullivan, Year 12




If you wish to submit a piece to be included in following issues of the Heathmont Gazette, email Mr Hunt or Evie Taylor (student representative) at  and/or  or fill out the form for submissions on Compass :)