Student Advice Column

Our questions last week for this advice column, just as a little reminder, were:


'How does one balance their school life when one is constantly busy?' 

'How do people find time in a day to do schoolwork, housework and hobbies?' 


And, fantastically, we got a couple of responses!


'.' says,  'Don't buy into the narrative - create your own! We are fortunate to have access to limitless activity options and information is always at our finger tips. Nobody really expects us to do everything all at once, so we choose. We are each in control of choices that will can a difference. We make them for ourselves, but also with our friends and family in mind. We consciously create a balance that works and adjust it day to day, week to week, month to month. We are young - time is our friend❤️'


'Lot's of Love' says, 'Trust me when I say I feel a hundred tasks turn into a thousand and seeing other people need to do less to understand, only makes me feel worse. I can only suggest that you focus on your own goals. Maybe a goal for the week, the month and one for the fortnight. You can only focus on your progress and it should be measurable but doesn't have to be a test score. It can simply be that today you wrote 200 words for English or finishing the math's question you needed to do. But by setting short-term goals for yourself (almost like tasks) you can stay on top of your work load and keep momentum and engagement towards your subjects. It's also perfectly normal to ask for help and guidance. If you feel you would like some, don't be afraid to ask your teachers or even a friend from a higher year level (they've been where you are). Also have a break. just sit and be you again without the stress of classes, however that is for you.'


If anyone has a question they would like answered by fellow students, please leave it in the form linked below!