German News

Karneval - Year 7 German

During Term 1 our Year 7 German students learnt about the German tradition of Karneval. This is also known as Fasching, Fastnacht or Fasnet in different parts of the country, as well as Austria and Switzerland. 


“Karneval” is a very old tradition in Germany, which was originally celebrated to scare away winter spirits. After many months of frost, the old Germans were tired of winter. To spook the winter spirits, people wore scary masks. They also sang and danced in the streets to welcome spring. 


The word “carnival” has its origin in Latin and means “to remove meat”. It is the festival immediately before Lent, which for Catholics is a time of fasting and penitence, in preparation for Easter. 


The students in our Year 7 classes learnt about the Karneval /Fasching traditions and then created their own masks.   





Jenny Ryan

German Teacher / Curriculum Area Leader