College News

Empower Enterprise
By Max Lyle
In Learning Support, we have set up our own business called ‘Empower Enterprise’ where we design and make items to sell while we learn about how to run a business.
We would like to ask the Trinity College community if they could donate clean jars to help us with an upcoming project. Please leave at the front desk before 28 March 2024.
Thank you.
Have Sum Fun 2024
Over the last two Fridays Trinity College has been host to over 500 students from 30 different schools for the annual Have Sum Fun Mathematics competitions. Students are in teams of six and answer four rounds of mathematical problem-solving questions. Friday 8 March saw 250 Year 11 and 12 students descend for their round of competition. There was a buzz in the air as most students were representing their schools for the final time. Final results were so close that top places were determined by the tie breaker round in which Shenton College placed first.
On Friday 15 March we hosted the Year 9 and 10 competitions at the school whilst also sending our Year 7 and 8 teams to Bob Hawke College to compete in their round of competition. It is always such a pleasure to see so many students having fun while doing maths well into the night.
Thank you to all boys who took part, teachers who supervised and ran competitions and to parents for supporting the boys in each of the competitions. We look forward to perhaps doubling our entries for 2025.
Roberta Lawrence
Head of Learning Area (Mathematics)
Lego Club Donations
Lego Club will begin in Term 2 for students in Years 7-9.
In preparation for this, we are looking for donations of excess or no longer required Lego. The quality and durability (just ask any parent who has stood on one) of Lego means that it can be handed down for generations. We are happy to take on any items, big or small, incomplete, or broken and add these to our collection.
To donate, either email Ms Calegari on to arrange collection or have your son drop these items to the Mary Rice Centre (next door to the D&T building). Further details on Lego Club will be released in Week 9.
Revision Program