John XXIII Rowing Club 

Dear Families

We send our best wishes to our rowers as they prepare for their first collective challenge of the year at the South West Head of the River this Saturday, 16 March. This event is not just a competition; it's a golden opportunity for us as a Club to come together, support one another, and showcase the unity and strength that defines us. Participating in this race allows us to build confidence, receive invaluable feedback on our progress, and fine-tune our teamwork. Let's use this platform to measure how far we've come and where we need to focus our efforts moving forward.


Additionally, I'd like to remind everyone about the upcoming session 'Finding balance: How to navigate the demands of high school' scheduled for Wednesday, 20 March 2024, at 6pm in the Gonzaga Barry Lecture Theatre at the College. This session is a great opportunity for us to learn and discuss ways to maintain a healthy balance between our sporting commitments and other aspects of our lives. Your wellbeing is our priority, and we encourage all to attend.  The session is facilitated by Beth O’Regan.



Best of luck to our rowers this weekend. We look forward to seeing many of you at the session. Go JTC!

2024 Registrations 

For our younger students in Years 7 and 8, it's exciting to note that Learn to Row programs will be held in Semester 2 and registrations for those programs will begin next term.


For those in Years 9 to 12, it's not too late to join the John XXIII Rowing Club for the 2024 season. Whether you're new to rowing, interested in becoming a coxswain, or looking to represent our College, we warmly invite you to join our rowing community. 


Please don't hesitate to register and become a part of our proud rowing tradition by completing the online Registration Form available via the link below. Here's to a season of growth, teamwork, and success on the water!


South West Head of the River: Friday, 15 and Saturday, 16 March 2024






Friday March 156:30pm

JTC Family Rowing Dinner


Recommended family-friendly venues, within walking distance of most accommodation:

- Froth Craft Brewery

- The Rose Hotel

Saturday March 166:30amBreakfast (optional)Bunbury Rowing Club, foreshore
7:00amJTC Rowers arrival

Latest time for rowers to arrive at Regatta

Bunbury Rowing Club

7:30amBriefing and boat riggingAll rowers required
9:00amRegatta START 
1:30pmRegatta FINISH 

What to bring:

  • JTC racing zoot suit
  • College PE tracksuit
  • Water bottle
  • College sports bag
  • JTC Rowing/College hat
  • Socks
  • Healthy snacks (e.g. fruit, muesli bars)
  • Towel
  • Any required personal items such as medication, inhalers, or EpiPens

Rowing Uniform

If you are new to rowing this year (or you've grown!) you will need to get a rowing zoot suit to race in. This uniform is important as it shows we are a team and helps to avoid oar handles getting caught on loose shirts. 


The College Uniform shop has zoot suits in medium and extra small for boys but not many in a small size. Girls zoot suits are also available, but please be aware that stock is running low on sizes 10, 12 and  14.


These can be purchased at the College Uniform shop and the Sustainable Schools Shop where there are some rowing uniforms listed: John XXIII College - Second Hand Uniform (

Rowing Hats

Can all rowers please drop off their rowing caps at the Uniform Shop by no later than Friday, 22 March. If you miss this cut-off, the next opportunity for embroidery will be at the end of the season.

Years 9 to12 Rowing Training Camp

This year we will be holding a combined Years 9 to 12 rowing camp from 3 to 6 April, Please note: This camp will be an additional cost and will be added to Rowing fees. Permission slips and camp itinerary will be emailed out to families on Monday, 18 March.

Training Schedule

Please note all training will run as scheduled below:

 Land training startWater training start
GirlsMonday, 5 FebruaryTuesday, 6 February

Tuesday, 20 February (Y10-12)

Thursday, 22 February (Y9)

Monday, 19 February

2024 (Term 1) Rowing Training Schedule 

 MondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

Boys Y9-12

Girls Y9-12

Boys Y9-12

Girls Y9-12

Alternate + Seniors


6:00-8am (Land)


Boys Y10-12    6-8am (Diamond & Erg)

Girls Y10-12    6-8am (Diamond & Erg)





Girls Y9-12



Boys Y9-12




 *Senior refers to Years 11 and 12

2024 (Term 2) Rowing Training Schedule 

 MondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

Girls Y9-12

Boys Y9-12

Girls Y9-12

Boys Y9-12

Alternate + Seniors


6:00-8am (Land)


Girls Y10-12    6-8am (Diamond & Erg)

Boys Y10-12    6-8am (Diamond & Erg)





Boys Y9-12



Girls Y9-12





  • Pick up: 5:05am at JTC Bus shelter
  • Return: 7:30am from Boatshed

Key Rowing Events 2024

Date  DayRegattaVenueGender
16 MarchSaturdaySouth West Head of the RiverBunburyBoys/Girls
3-6 AprilWednesday to SaturdayCombined Y9-12 Training Camp (no overnight)JTCBoys/Girls
27 AprilSaturdayIGSSA 1 - MLCChampion LakesGirls
11 MaySaturdayIGSSA 2 – JTCChampion LakesGirls
25 MaySaturdayIGSSA 3 - PENChampion LakesGirls
26 MaySundayAll Schools 1Champion LakesBoys
8 JuneSaturdayIGSSA 4 - PLCChampion LakesGirls
15 JuneSaturdayAll Schools 2Champion LakesBoys
22 JuneSaturdayIGSSA Head of the River - PCChampion LakesGirls
20 JulySaturdayRWA Pennant Regatta 1Champion LakesBoys
27 JulySaturdayAll Schools 3Champion LakesBoys
10 AugustSaturdayAll Schools ChampionshipChampion LakesBoys/Girls
7 SeptemberSaturdayHouse RegattaCanning BridgeBoys/Girls
7 SeptemberSaturdayPresentation NightTMECBoys/Girls

*Please note: the girls will compete in only the IGSSA season, except for those invited to join the All Schools Championship campaign. 


2024 will see this as a Saturday Regatta, and more information will be distributed in the next fortnight.

Stack Team App

Please download the ‘Stack Team App’ on your phone as this is the central place for training schedules, training updates, and access to the rowing handbook to name a few. It is important that all rowers and parents have access.

To get this app go to the App Store or Google Play and download Stack Team App onto your mobile device, then follow these simple steps:

  1.  Sign-up to Stack Team App. You’ll be sent an email to confirm your registration.
  2.  Log-in and search for JTCRC, then request to become a member.

Asthma and Allergies

A reminder that all rowers with asthma or allergies are required to bring their asthma puffers, EpiPens, or required medication to all sessions.


Jerram Gibson

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator