Year 4

Ms Roberts, Ms Pollock, Ms Lawson, Ms Biligin-Samuri and Ms Bowman 

Year 4 Newsletter 


An exciting start to the month this March as our Year 4s went swimming! We had so much fun at Craigieburn State Swim learning to be safe around water and building our basic water skills. On the last day as a celebration we played water games and celebrated a big week of fun and learning! 


As our spelling program Spelling Mastery continues this term, are students are becoming more confident in their spelling lessons. You may have noticed that your child has brought home some spelling words. These can be practised weekly, using the Look, Cover, Write, Check method each night. This means students will read and revise the words. Then cover the words and spell them and check how they went at the end. If you have any questions about spelling please see your child’s classroom teacher. 



During writing we embarked on the exploration of compound sentences and past tense verbs. Students have been working hard to identify the independent and dependent clauses within compound sentences and using past tense verbs to describe events that have already occurred. 




As our Novel Studies Unit has come to an end, our Knowledge Studies have begun. Students are learning about ‘World Mountains’ and exploring different mountains and mountain ranges across the globe. The Year 4 students are focusing on how different mountains are formed, comparing mountains and learning about animals that live in and around different mountains. 




This month in Numeracy we have continued to learn about Place Value. Students have been rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundreds and thousands using different strategies such as number lines. Students have learned how to find 10, 100, 1000 or 10 000 more or less than a number using their place value knowledge. We have continued to learn about time; converting units of time, using a timetable and calculating elapsed time. In shape lessons, students have been learning about lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry. 


Student’s have been focusing on mindfulness and empathy during our SEL sessions. Students have been able to tune into their emotions in a positive and purposeful way guided by our Resilience project program and student journals. We have been able to sit outside and use our senses to list the things we can feel, smell and hear with the aim of calming our minds and bodies down. 


Students have been learning how to sign everyday signs, family signs, school signs and farm animals this last month. Ask your child what the sign is for any of the below words:



Our Investigation lesson links closely to our Knowledge Unit. Students will be using the knowledge they have gained about mountains and different types of mountains and researching a mountain of their choice. Teachers will explicitly teach students how to form a research question and how to identify useful information.