Year 2

Ms Kay, Ms Hajnal, Ms Rodwell, Ms Bandal, Ms McInerney, Ms Bowman, Ms Huntly & Ms Martin

Year 2 Newsletter


In Literacy, we have begun learning our Stage 7.1 Little Learners Love Literacy phonemes and graphemes. We have looked at /ai/, /ay/ and /ea/. To show our understanding we have been completing tasks including Let’s Spell, Let’s Write and Read, Write and Draw to develop our understanding of how sounds correspond to different letters or letter combinations.

We have been continuing to expand our understanding of what to include in a sentence by looking at verbs and adverbs.












In Numeracy, we have been learning to use a number line to identify and order numbers, continued to look at 2D shapes and started to tell the time on an analog and digital clock. We started by looking at o’clock times, moved to half past times and now are starting to learn about quarter past and quarter to times. We are gaining confidence using a number line, identifying the number pattern, where numbers are placed and what numbers come before and after.



SEL & Auslan

In SEL we have started The Resilience Project. Specifically we have started to look at the G in GEM, Gratitude. This means we are paying attention to what we have and not worrying about what we don’t have. Some of the things we are grateful for are family, friends and teachers!


In Auslan, we have been learning how to sign the colours and some everyday signs such as go, toilet, please and thank you. Our teachers have been very impressed as we incorporate these signs into our everyday language for example when asking to go to the toilet and signing ‘Can I please go to the toilet?’