Assistant Principals

Lisa Stafford, Emily Hyde & Scott Woolcok

Free Health, Wellbeing & Development Checks for Foundation Students


The Primary School Nursing Program is a free service offered by the Department of Education to all foundation students and their families during their child’s first year of school.


The program aims to assist in the early identification of children with potential health, wellbeing or development concerns which may impact on their education and offers screening (such as hearing, vision, speech, dental and motor skills) as well as advice, information and referrals to other health and support services.


Parents / carers can support their child’s participation in the program by completing an online School Entrant Health Questionnaire.


You can access and complete the online questionnaire on a mobile phone, computer or tablet. A paper version of the questionnaire is available from your child’s school if you prefer.


Once the questionnaire has been submitted, the Primary School Nurse will visit your child’s school to conduct further health screenings for students that require it. The nurse may contact you to further discuss any concerns raised in the questionnaire, using the details you provided.


Information about the Primary School Nursing Program, including how to access and complete the School Entrant Health Questionnaire, will be sent home today or you can refer to the information attached to this post. Participation in the program is not mandatory and parent/carer consent is required for the Primary School Nurse to see your child. If you do not wish to participate, you are encouraged to register and select ‘No I do not consent’ in the online questionnaire so that your response is recorded.