
Ms Kirk, Ms Nguyen & Ms Kini 

What an amazing Term 1 - We are blown away by the students’ zest for Science!


With the term coming to an end in a couple of weeks, students will complete various quizzes and activities in the upcoming weeks to finalise their learning. These concepts are as followed:  


Seasons: Students have engaged in a range of videos, songs and discussions to draw the environmental changes we can observe in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. These drawings include choosing appropriate activities, clothes and foods to suit the observable changes in weather and landscape.










Year 1

Seasons: Building on their learning from Foundation, Year 1 students compared different seasons, including the activities completed and clothes worn in each season. Students were challenged to explore thermal and breathable materials and how our choice of clothing is impacted by seasonal activities. Students will continue to explore natural and artificial materials when choosing clothes in the coming weeks.


Year 2

Earth’s resources: Students identified the variety of natural resources found on Earth and how they support our daily lives and survival. These included resources from plants, animals and below the Earth’s crust (ground). We also explored the sources of water around the school and its uses. Students worked together to research and record their discoveries in their Science journals.


Year 3

Impacts of Earth’s rotation: Students explored the impacts of Earth's rotation around the Sun. These impacts included day and night, ocean currents, tidal waves and seasons. Students watched a range of videos, engaged in small and whole class discussions and conducted research to record their findings.


Year 4

Weathering, erosion and deposition: Building on their learning from the previous year, students were extended to consider the importance and impacts of weathering, erosion and deposition - the natural processes that shape the Earth and create various landforms. Students had and will continue to have opportunities to conduct further research about landforms around the world that have been impacted by weathering, erosion and deposition over time. 









Year 5

The Solar system:  Students learnt about the order of planets around our Sun, the unique properties of Terrestrial and Jovian planets, and how Earth is habitable. Students watched a range of videos, engaged in small and whole class discussions, posed questions and conducted research to record why other planets are a challenge for living organisms. Students will create and present a poster demonstrating their understanding so far to their peers and provide constructive feedback.

Year 6

Natural Disasters

Students explored the causes, impacts and survival procedures of bushfires by investigating the ‘Country Fire Authority’ website and ‘guide to survival’ document. Similarly, students have begun to explore the causes, impacts and survival procedures of  cyclones. Students will create a guide to survive a natural disaster of choice in the coming weeks to reiterate their learning.


We look forward to sharing more information and photos with you about the students’ learning!


Thank you.

Ms Kini, Miss N and Ms Kirk