Innovation & Design

Mr Magafas, Ms Bedi & Ms Kirk

Innovation and Design

Term 1 has been very successful and exciting for our students and teachers. We have been impressed by student engagement and learning in the classroom. 


Our wonderful Foundation students have explored patterns. Students have learnt to copy, repeat and continue simple patterns. Taking this further, students have learnt to create their own patterns using various concrete materials and then have represented patterns through drawing with coloured pencils and crayons. 

Year 1

Year 1 students have learnt about being safe while using their device and going online. Students have learnt about what information is safe to share online, the personal, private and public online spaces and which applications they use belong in each of these spaces.

Year 2

Year 2 students have focussed on Cyber safety. They have identified their trusted adults to go to when they have questions or problems whilst using their device, in order to stay safe whilst online. Year 2 students have learnt about personal, private and public online spaces and what information is safe to share online and what information to keep private and safe.

Year 3

Year 3 students have learnt about cyber safety. Students have learnt about how to stay safe when online. They have learnt about personal, private and public online spaces. Students have also learnt what information is safe to share online and what to keep private and safe. Students have also explored digital dilemmas and have learnt how to use our school values and what we have learnt about cyber safety to guide our decisions in order to keep ourselves and others safe when online.

Year 4

Year 4 students have examined cyber safety. Students have learnt about what information is safe to share online, how our feelings can keep us safe when online and how to develop a strong and long password.

Year 5

YEAR 5 students have focused on cyber safety and have learnt about privacy settings, personal, private and public online spaces, what information is safe to share, online bullying versus banter and fake news. Students were particularly excited to make a fake news article!

Year 6

Year 6 students have focused on cyber safety and the three different online spaces which are, personal, private and public. Students learnt about how to be good digital citizens and shared as a class how to take control of our usage of technology.