Physical Education

Mr Crane, Mr Magafas & Ms Storer


Foundation students have been learning about the steps involved in the ‘run’ technique. We use the steps; eyes forward, robot arms and big steps to help students remember the correct technique and improve their run. Foundation students have loved learning new games including musical freeze and scarecrow tiggy. We are slowly introducing more equipment and will continue to focus on following rules in games. 

Years 1 & 2

The Year 1 and 2 students have worked hard to refine their ‘run’ technique over the first half of the term. We have now moved onto our next Fundamental Motor Skill of ‘kick’. Students are focusing on making sure they plant their opposite foot next to the ball before kicking with the top part of their foot. Once students can follow the steps, we will focus more on accuracy by using a variety of targets students can aim for. We look forward to seeing students ‘kick’ improve over the remainder of Term 1. 

Years 3 - 6

Over the last month our Year 3-6’s have been working on their basketball skills. During the first week we focused on dribbling, where we worked on ball control and spatial awareness while moving. We then went on to shooting, where we focused on the correct hand placement and technique. For our 3rd and final week our focus was on gameplay and strategies, while doing this students also got a chance to involve dribbling and shooting into a game setting. 


The students loved playing the game of SWAT, which is where they need to try and tap another students’ ball out of control while protecting theirs. This game proved challenging and allowed students to practise the defensive position while moving around the basketball court. 


Our next focus for the Year 3-6’s is Cricket, this includes the overarm bowl, overarm throw, the two-handed side on strike and various strategies to improve on runs or wickets. 

It is fair to say that our students are very passionate and excited to begin learning more about the great sport of Cricket. 

Years 5 & 6 Interschool Sports

I am thrilled to share with you the latest news about our interschool sports games! Our teams recently competed against Wallan Primary School, and I am proud to report that our students showcased their hard work and dedication on the field. It's been incredible to witness their skills improving with each game.


Thank you for your continued support and encouragement as we cheer on our young athletes. Let's rally behind them as they demonstrate the values of sportsmanship and camaraderie that make our school community so special.


Warm regards,

The Gilgai Plains PE Team