Calendar 2024
May 🌺
29th April - 3rd May
Catholic Education Week
3rd - St Johns Cross Country
6th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am
7th - Parish Council Meeting 6pm
8th - Yr 3/6 ESC Experience Day
9th - FCJ Principle Visit - Shaun Mason
Visit Yr 5/6 2.30-3.15pm
Parent Information Session 3.15 -4.30pm
10th - Mother's Day Liturgy, Pampering &
Afternoon tea 1pm
Mother's Day Stall
My Future Academy (Sport)
12th - Happy Mother's Day
13th - Bravehearts Yr F-2 12pm
Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am
16th - District Cross Country
17th - Yr 1/2 Class Mass 12.30pm
School Assembly 2.45pm
Yr 5/6 Winter Sports
20th - Yr 5/6 - FCJ Students Visit
Arts On Show Workshop Yr 5/6 9.45am
Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am
21st - National Simultaneous Storytime Celebration 9am
24th - Division Cross Country
Class Mass Yr 3/4 12.30pm
My Future Academy (Sport)
27th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am
27th May - 3rd June
Reconciliation Week
27th & 28th Melbourne Museum Incursion
Robotics Program Yr 3-6
28th - School Advisory Meeting 6pm
31st - Melbourne Museum Incursion
Dinosaurs Program Yr F-2
June ❄
3rd - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am
4th - Science Incursion 9am
6th - Whole School Mass
Feast of the Sacred Heart 12.30pm
7th - Pupil Free Day
10th - King's Birthday Public Holiday
14th - Class Mass Yr F/5/6 12.30pm